FilthyMcNasty wrote:Silverman2 wrote:I'm afraid software is the way to go!
Quote FilthyMcNasty; "Software is shite"
I've seen all you cabbages with your trendy lap-tops thinking you've got Abbey Road sitting on your knee. My mate's got a powerbook & it's good, but it still sounds like Pete Waterman had the final mix on it.
Software is like the pretty blonde middle class girl; entirely predictable, and very ordinary. Where hardware is like the girl you meet in a squat party; you don't know what to expect but you know it's gonna be filthy.
he he
Seeing as this is a forum for hardware samplers I would have thought that there arnt that many "cabbages with trendy lap-tops" on here. however software is the way the industry is moving like it or not at so that is probably why it was recomended.