by Klaseed » Wed Sep 10, 2003 5:18 am
You can use CCs to modulate chorus amount, and you can modulate ITD but only at sample on.
It's a pretty subtle effect, but a good way to hear it is this: get a sawtooth wave sample, or just resample the test tone from you Emu. Loop it in Sample Edit so it sustains. Throw it in a preset, and in Voice Edit/Tuning, put Chorus Amount to 1%, width to 100%. Go to Cords, and put LFO1~ to Chorus Amount with a value of 100. Change the LFO speed to something audible, like 2.
Now, play a key, and you'll hear the sound sort of go in and out of tune, and a stereo shift happening.
"It doesn't work, and neither do we"
WTB: Digital option board for my Ultra :)