Hi everyone.
Yesterday I became the happy owner of a 5000Ultra. My first ever real hardware sampler. I have used a SB-Live with a seperate D/A converter, but not the same, I can see already! There was no HD and only 4MB Sample Ram, although the EOS 4.01 also reported 8MB CPU? I thought 4MB was most, but hey, I won't complain. Well, On the net it was pretty easy to find info and manuals (although manuals were incl.) so I Downloaded Everything from the EMU-site, EOS'es, Flashprep (especially after reading that that was needed for the system on my E-Mu), All PDFs etc. It's good to know what we have got hands on
After installing Flashprep and then EOS 4.7, which all went by like a breeze - I must say it It rocks. I happened to have a 3.5" 40 GB Maxtor on shelf, so in it went, and an old 40pin cable were the long end got cut off, so the result was a short singleport IDE cable with a connector at each end. (An old non functional PC-PSU comes in handy since there is exactly a cable with both floppy (that's what goes to the HD power in the E-MU) and HD power connectors.
OK, I was frustrated that it at first didn't spin up at all. Ah!, Red wire is pin 1, there it was. So I had to gently cut off the plastic-thing on the powerconnector in the E-MU and refit the floppy-power 180.

40 GB :) I was happy.. But hey! - I also had a 3.5" 120 GB Maxtor Diamondmax 9 Plus, so what else than try
The drive label says 5V - 670mA and 12V - 970mA(!).
And If one thinks about it, it IS a IDE bus (ATA-3 and up) so the powerrequirements should be fulfilled also.
The Maxtor 120 was actually a fair deal more silent than the 40GB one, so that drive or similar and all You hear is the E-MU's PSU - So my next mission will be to maybe run the PSU fan at 7V instead of 12, or somwhow make way for a 60mm silent one. I'll be back with more later, I think
All this was not to bash the 2.5" method at all, btw. I love that solution! I just don't have one at hand right now.
I hope all this wasn't too much for You all, but I'm going to play now, so:
Nice day all,
Claus, DK.