internal SCSI hard drive problem

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internal SCSI hard drive problem

Postby destruct » Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:34 pm

ive just installed a internal scsi disk into my e6400 classic. it powers up great. i made sure to set the terminating jumper (though i also tried terminateing via a scsi cdrw device during my testing) cableing is triple checked to be well seated and such.

when i formated the disk it seems to go ok, takes quite a long time. then i check the info for the drive, says EMU for the file system. when i turn the power on and off it loses any thing ive saved in adition to dropping the file system. is this hard drive faulty or am i doing something wrong?

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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 1:37 pm

Postby drayon » Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:53 am

The drive should be unterminated. The first an last device should be terminated. In this case the EMU must be Terminated see Master->Setup-> SCSI the drive is in the middle of the chain and the external CDR should be terminated since its on the end of the chain.

But to me sounds like the drive is kacktuzdefucktus :finger:

anyways good luck
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