loading issues

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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loading issues

Postby circlework » Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:27 am

Hi All,
I have an E6400 ultra with a 20 gig Quantum fireball hard drive installed. I have owned this unit for 3 years and only just lately i have noticed that it has been crashing when i have been loading banks. But Today i turned it on and it will not load a single bank (disaster!!!!!!),,,,, however it will let me load individual samples into an empty bank.????

The only thing i have done recently that i can think of that might have set the sampler off course is to use links to stack presets but i can hardly imagine that would cause the problem.. The only other thing i can think it maybe is if i received a power spike or surge which may have affected the system???

By the way im running 4.01 as the operating system.

Any clues?

thanks :grumble:
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Location: melbourne

Postby Rascal Revenge » Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:55 am

Still happening ?

'...i turned it on and it will not load a single bank (disaster!!!!!!)'

You mean it crashed not while loading a bank but it won't even accept a load ? If the latter then I guess something inside the (bank) filesystem has crashed (?), not good. :cry:

If somehow possible I would then move/save the sounds to another media, if you can manage to recover them somehow, re-format HD, if it seems to be OK after test for you reload them or buy a new HD. You may try to recover banks by loading the Presets and/or individual samples (worked for me often when it didn't want to load certain bank, I could also find out at what point it hanged, i.e. I could rebuild me a bank and save to a external media). If that all not helps well then I think say sayonara to your data.

You may update your EOS to 4.61 or 4.70beta, your problem sounds more like HD-defect to me, but maybe it'll help. :spliff:
Last edited by Rascal Revenge on Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rascal Revenge
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Postby stu » Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:01 am

Although not useful in this case, it does highlight how important it is to have a backup strategy, so in the case where the HDD goes south, you don't lose years worth of hard work.
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trouble shooting

Postby circlework » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:45 am

Hey thanks for your replies..
the hard drive seems to have days when its going to load and days when it freezers during loading banks.
I guess it must be the hard drive playing games.
At the moment im only backing up to 100 meg zip disks as i have not come across an external that will support 4.01..

Up until this point the sampler has been rock solid for a long long time and it is just disconcerting that it is experiencing some reliability issues now.
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Location: melbourne

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