E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

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E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby emuemu » Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:46 pm

I have an E-Synth keyboard where the presets 1000-1255 are not as they should be. Despite going to select setkeybd to play the sound no sound comes out even when on presets that are present on the keyboard. The presets at 1000 - 1255 start with 'none' then 'Grand Piano 1', Rhodes. Wurlitzers etc. The sounds are supposed to start with 'Eosmosis' on 1000 or (?) 1001. What I want is my sounds back in place so when I switch on the keyboard I need to to press no buttons, just play the keys and get a sound out (piano even though this is not sound no 1000 or 1001). I do not want to even have to press setkeybd to start playing if possible (the main thing, however, is that the sounds are there immediately on bootup and that these are the sounds listed in the E-Synth hardware manual - Can you also tell me what has made them disappear? I did not change setting or anything... I also want to know how to put the sounds either starting at 0 (completely instant) or 1000 (space for edited sound to be placed in to not affect preprogrammed sounds). The other thing is that the sounds I can see in multimode from 1000 are there in name but not in sound (no sound whatsoever on pressing keys) so I want to know why the sounds I searched on the Rom (E_Rom 1.2) are the same as those coming up without me loading them, but are no longer the sounds the should be (i.e the ones listed at the back of the E-Synth hardware manual).

I also want to know how I can use the midi controllers a-d to control each sound individually like on the Yamaha Motif. Firstly, I want to be able to use them to edit each preset sound (e.g Grand Piano 1 or Eosmosis) without it changing each preset from channel 1-16 as soon as you move onto sequencing another sound. I would also like to use them for final mixdown (as the E-Synth is supposedly a workstation). I am also intereseted to know how to go about changing the E-Synth settings so I can use it best as a sound module sequencer workstation basically, meaning as far as sounds are concerned I am using the E-Synth as a rompler and more like a Korg triton or Yamaha motif than anything else; it is just at the moment (disregarding all aforementioned problems) it is taking too long to getting to making music quickly, which is what the tape recorder style buttons on the E-Synth should encourage.
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Re: E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby emuemu » Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:15 pm


Anyone? This question and questions are probably not too hard to answer, I can not use the Emu website to get an answer as becuase the Ultra samplers are out and the E-Synth is obviously an older piece of equipment.

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Re: E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby raven56 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:39 am

I recently picked up an E-Synth a few weeks back and have also been spending time getting it back up to speed. Have you reset the synth? Though the E-mu site doesn't have much for us you can download the hardware manual, look at the instructions to change SIMM's. You can also get the "EOS 4" and "Get Around the E4K" pdf's . Though not specific to our boards they will be useful. My board is missing a bunch of the presets so I'm trying to find a copy of the preset disk, good luck with your efforts. 8-)
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Re: E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby raven56 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:46 am

I need to add that it would be a good idea to backup the state of the current condition of your board prior to any of the actions mentioned previously. Peace.
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Re: E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby Musher » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:53 am

press the disk button. You should see an icon for the ROM. If so,scroll to it and press LOAD. overwrite whatever bank is loaded. Now you'll be playing the
sounds on the ROM in the order they were burned at the factory (bear in mind there are different ROM versions).
Save whatever presets you want to a new bank in whatever order you want. Make music, be happy.

To assign functions to the sliders, EDIT...EDIT Voice... CORDS. You may want to send out for pizza cause this is very addictive!
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Re: E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby braincloud » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:39 am

An old thread, but hopefully someone is still monitoring it. I just bought an Esynth, and it has the stock 4MB of RAM and the factory ROM installed as well. However, similar to your problem, the presets are not loading at all. I did a little research, and found taht the flash ROM was likely overwritten, and therefore everything got zapped. So I loaded all the raw samples from the ROM, and then resaved the entire internal memory to the flash RAM so at least I have something that loads up automatically, but I don't ahve the original EOSMOSIS and such available.

I'm trying to figure out if I can get a copy of the Factory presets on a floppy that I can then load and then resave to the Flash RAM. I don't have access to a floppy, so I was hoping there might be another way. Also, I'm only running ESO 3.02 I beleive. I would like to upgrade to 4, but I think I'll have the same problem of not being able to load from a floppy.

Let me know if anyone can help out. I'd be happy to pay for a floppy and shipping.


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Re: E-Synth Keys - ROM sounds gone and Midi Controller sliders

Postby Harryo » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:22 am

Did you find esynth factory disk
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