Emu esi 4000 scsi hd troubles.

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Emu esi 4000 scsi hd troubles.

Postby hlzdnb » Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:25 pm

Hi guys, ive got an emu 4000 sampler without the internal hd.
So i bought a scsi and connected it to my pc and im able to transfer samples from pc to the emu but i wanst able to save them on the emu cause i miss the hd.
So i bought the hd and connected it on the internal port of the scsi card.
On pc startup is all recognised (emu and hd ) but seems that theres no connection between the emu and hard drive.
Tryng to mount drives, no luck.
My only thought is that, when i go into the scsi bios, the HD takes the id0 (the floppy one ) and im not able to change it.Any advice??
Unpluggin the floppy could be a solution? THX!
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Re: Emu esi 4000 scsi hd troubles.

Postby AxiMaxi » Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:59 pm

The floppy is not on the SCSI bus, so they can't be interfering.

You could check the ID of the HDD, your sampler and the PC-host.
They should all be different.

Changing the ID of the HDD is done by dipswitches on the drive itself.
It can't be done with software.
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Re: Emu esi 4000 scsi hd troubles.

Postby russ » Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:43 am

are u sure the hardrive works with the esi4000? the esi4000 can recognise many hardrives but not use them, this made me give up and get a cf card reader instead-best thing ive ever done with my set up, silent, no problems and for the first time in years you can just walk into any camera /computer shop and buy a new card(esi can handle up to 8gb cards depending on the reader)-well worth the 100bills(for the card reader which replaces the floppy drive) I think.
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