Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Postby woodsworth1 » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:24 am

I have an E-mu E4 with two options - the midi option and the 8 output option.

If I have the midi option installed then the 8 output option is not recognised.
If I disconnect the midi option the 8 output option is recognised.

I don't seem to be able to have both of the options installed simultaneously and have them both recognised.

Does anyone know anything about the (in) compatibility of these two options?
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Re: Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Postby Rascal Revenge » Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:34 am

Can't help there sorry, at least I've not heard or read about incompatibility of these options, should work.
Rascal Revenge
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Re: Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Postby mosrob » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:37 am

Which of these options is the last in chain?
Which version of EOS is installed?
Do you have any friends that use also an E4 where you can test if these two options behave the same on another E4-unit?
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Re: Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Postby woodsworth1 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:00 pm

I don't know anyone else with an emu sampler of any sort let alone an old E4 to test these things on.

EOS version is 3.0b

The midi option is in option slot 3 (so its first in the chain) and the output option is in option slots 1 & 2. I haven't tried altering their position.
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Re: Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Postby Rascal Revenge » Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:38 pm

Hard to figure, should work I' m sayin'. Exchanging their position is an idea, then you have tried everything, at least.
I'm not that "techie" when it comes to that, but speculating could a weak PSU be involved, dunno how these modules need/draw power from PSU via the board you connect it to. Anyone ?
Rascal Revenge
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Re: Emu E4 (not ultra) option compatibility

Postby woodsworth1 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:46 am

I think the problem is that the E4 module that I have has not been upgraded for the output expansion module. This includes a PAL upgrade for the midi expansion option so it is not compatible with the output expansion option...

Oh well.
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