I've got a pile of EOS disks I'd like to make available to everyone for download. I need to get rid of them, the bin is beckoning, but I'd like them to go to use for the greater E-MU hardware community. These are the original operating systems for EOS from way back in the original EIV days, up to Ultras.
Here's the thing - I'd like someone to take these, who can make floppy disk images of them, and make them publicly available for free, where everyone else can download them for free and easily make bootable OS disks from them. I.e. I don't want anyone profiteering. If everyone on the board has a suggestion for a well-known reliable member who has the means and is trustworthy to do it, come to a conclusion, and I can get the disks to said person.
Here's what is in the pile:
EIV v1.1
EIV/E64 v1.20d
EOS v1.50f (labelled E4K, I'm guessing this probably added support for the keyboard E4K models)
EOS v2.50f
EOS v2.51a (I don't think I've *ever* seen this version crash, fact-fans)
EOS v2.80 (added sysex)
EOS v3.00b (added sequencer)
EOS v3.20e
Flash Prep v1.0 (my recollection was this is a prerequisite pre-install for v3.20, rearranged the Flash memory to accommodate the larger OS)
EOS v4.0 Ultra
EOS v4.10 Ultra
EOS v4.5 Ultra
This is not a definitive every-EOS ever pile, there were 4.* classic versions as well, I haven't stumbled on any of those though. If I find any more, I'll shout here.
Is there anyone out there who wants the job? Again, not to sit on someone's shelf, or to make an EOS mobile out of (I thought of that one myself!) - or for profit. Someone who can do a little work in the interests of the greater EOS community...
Always a bit of time for this forum...