Emu ram?

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Emu ram?

Postby Booker » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:51 pm

What sort of ram do i need to upgrade my emu? And i was wondering if you could buy it in any computer stores?

Finally how much is it gona cost?

Cheers :grin:
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Postby DS-1 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:33 pm

you need EDO 72pin ram for your emu. Since this ram is so dated your best bet is to go on ebay and order it. You'll probably luck in and can get 2 64meg sims for $5 or so

2 things though......

1) The ram must have a seek time of 70ns or less
2) Buy 2 64 meg simms and youll never have to do it again

give your old ram to a friend or something =)
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Postby Booker » Tue Oct 28, 2003 7:36 pm

Whats 'seek time'?
Emu sent me an email and said it would cost me 120 dollars for 128mb! :biglaugh:
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Postby ezman » Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:18 pm


get two - uk dogs i ordered from here, intl shipping is fine, faster than uk shipping! Cost about ?27 incl delivery - ordered friday -with me on monday :slayer:
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Postby DS-1 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:09 am

?27 = about $60-70 canadian

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... egory=4611

This is about $18 plus $20 or so shipping......

Happy hunting!
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Postby Booker » Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:00 pm

How hard are these things to install? im thinking of doing it myself but i can allways take it down to my local Sound Control and pay for it to be done?

Whatdya recon?
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Postby DS-1 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 2:44 pm

you can totally do it yourself

1) unplug the machine
2) make sure you are 'static free'
3) throw em in =)
4) double check there in proper
5) turn it on and load more presets than you ever thought possible =)

BUY 128megs! (in 2 64 meg sims)
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Postby wrecker13 » Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:08 pm

Hey, I got my RAM from a site called www.datamem.com You click on the "other memory" option on the main screen. Then look to your right where it says "Sampler Memory". Then click on the EMU model that you have. It's only $15 for 64 megs.
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