Here are some experiments with the clock feature in chords
Try changing the clock rates and filter types to further modify sound
Also try out the banks with some of your own samples.
They are also good to use polyphonic with chord sequences.
They are made to lock to your sequencers BPM so work right away in your track
However you will need to modify lfo 1 with the DUBSTEP BASS if you want to work at a tempo other than 120BPM
This is made to run in triplet time (cool for that wa wa wa dubstep sound) and was created by retrigering the lfo to the beat (so you could modify this patch to run at 5 or 7 beats per bar if you like odd time signatures)
Unzip and enjoy!
Sound that filter sweeps to midi clock
Modulation wheel = control of clocks per bar ( wiggle and see)
Midi controller B = filter cutoff
Midi controller C = resonance
Midi controller D = chorus amount
As above
As above but the LFO is retriggered after 3rd beat at 120 BPM (triplet)
Try changing mod rate to work this to other tempos in triplet time.
Dont forget to check out the mod wheel.
Different rhythms produced depending on settings of midi controllers and mod wheel.
This one is a little more complex.The filters clocks really interact as you move the controllers and mod wheel They also pan around in a cool way and all this to your sequencers BPM
Similar to above