Yes, it's a full Ultra, it has 64 voices (expandable), the D/WAM board installed (Digi In/Out,2nd MIDI pair, Wordclock and connector for PC-keyboard), plus the Synth-Rom. A little limitation is that you have only 64 MB Sample-Ram with the Synth-Rom active, however you can turn that off in the software-menu, i.e. disable the Synth-Rom to give you back full 128 MB Sample-Ram (if you have that much installed, logically). If you get that for a good price ok (worth for the D/WAM alone), the question would be if it makes sense, regarding the Synth-Rom at least ! You wrote you have P 2500 and XL-7 with four Roms

, know what I'm sayin' ? But it doesn't hurt just having the Synth-Rom in there