Any difference between - 6861/6866 ???

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Any difference between - 6861/6866 ???

Postby Ed Crush » Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:12 pm

Hi all you good people.

Except for the R-adat/Adat naming, is there any difference between options 6861 and the 6866 ?


Ed Crush
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Re: Any difference between - 6861/6866 ???

Postby Rascal Revenge » Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:18 pm

RFX-32 effect-card (Ultra-sampler only) must be installed for using the 6866. So the latter does also not work in Classic EOS samplers (i.e. non-Ultras)
Rascal Revenge
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Re: Any difference between - 6861/6866 ???

Postby mosrob » Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:22 am

Please find attached related pictures of both options.

EMU 6861 ADAT option board for all E4 (classic & ultra)
As you can see are there more electronic components used on the "classic" ADAT option EMU 6861.
You can also see that the Filter chips are used on this option. 2 of 4 Filter chips (IC-413) are on the top side while the other 2 are on the bottom side of the PCB.
The EMU 6861 option has a 50-pin connector and is connected to the DAN-port on the mainboard.
The other 4 connectors have to connected to the mainboard also.
EOS 4.0 or larger is required to use this option.
This option cannot be used in combination with the RFX-32 card!

EMU 6861 ADAT.jpg
EMU 6861 ADAT Option
EMU 6861 ADAT.jpg (133.93 KiB) Viewed 614 times

EMU 6866 R-ADAT option board
The RFX-32 card provides nearly all related electronic components so that less components for the ADAT-ports of the R-ADAT option are necessary.
The 3 ICs you see on the picture of the EMU 6866 are 2x AL1401 (ADAT Optical Encoder) and 1x AL1402 (ADAT Optical Decoder) from Wavefront.
The EMU 6866 option is connected via a 34-pin ribbon cable directly to the RFX-32 card. There are no further connections to the mainboard.
EMU 6866 R-ADAT Option for RFX-32
EMU 6866 - R-ADAT.JPG (56.98 KiB) Viewed 612 times
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