Sample placement question

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Sample placement question

Postby KRS-2 » Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:24 pm

im having a bit of a problem with the multimode again. i transfered a sample and went over to my multi and got the sample placed in a voice.

now i have a problem. i make a new preset, open up recycle and send a new sample(scsi). when i do this it overwrites my old sample i had in voice-1 and replaces it with the new sample.

i tried making a new sample and sending it with this screen open but right when i hit send in recycle, the emu screen kicks back over to my multi screen and proceeds to overwrite the existing preset.

do i need to go back into my disc area of the emu everytime i want to send a sample over, then go back to my multi bank when i want to put the new sample into my multimode? or what?

any help appreciated...
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Postby ezman » Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:05 pm

Yeah would love an answer on this one. In Peak (mac audio editor) i can choose which sample number to send from - meaning i avoid this prob - recycle just overwrites from sample 1.

Is there a setting in the emu to stop automatic sample placement?
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Postby emugonzo » Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:13 pm

in recycle 2.0 when you click sample transmit the transmit to emu window comes up. in that window there is a field called "sample start #:" just put in the number that you want to be the first sample position to be written to. then you press transmit. make sure youre standing in the preset you want to use the samples in cause recycle automatically makes new voices for the samples.
maybe this isn't possible in recycle 1.0?

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Postby KRS-2 » Sat Nov 29, 2003 1:57 am

emugonzo wrote:in recycle 2.0 when you click sample transmit the transmit to emu window comes up. in that window there is a field called "sample start #:" just put in the number that you want to be the first sample position to be written to. then you press transmit. make sure youre standing in the preset you want to use the samples in cause recycle automatically makes new voices for the samples.
maybe this isn't possible in recycle 1.0?


that was exactly it man, good one :slayer:
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Postby wrecker13 » Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:10 pm

So I've been tinkering around with Recycle for a while and I love it. But yeah, you need to change the sample number so you don't overwrite the previous one. But what I've been using recycle for lately is to transfer mass amounts of samples into the EMU at one time. Maybe some peole already know this but check this out if you don't. If you have a sample CD with a butt load of breaks or stabs or whatever on it, and you have an editing program like Soundforge or Cool Edit, use the "extract from CD" function and extract 5 minute regions from the CD and save it to your desktop or wherever. Recycle can only open 5 minute files. Then open those files with Recycle and manually insert slice points at the begining of each sample. Then transfer them via SCSI. It's simple as shit and you don't have to worry about using batch converters or external CD drives. So there's no more of this "one at a time" crap that is such a problem with PC's. I've transfered all of my CD samples into my EMU this way. The only problem that you run into is the amount of RAM in your EMU. Once that's filled up you have to save the bank to your hard drive, then erase the RAm bank and start over. I hope this helps anybody with Recycle.
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Postby KRS-2 » Sat Nov 29, 2003 3:58 pm

thats a great idea wrecker. when you do this, inserting slice points, does the emu create a new sample for each slice point in the rex file when you send it over from the pc?

say the file in rex is names stabs and has 10 slice points, will the emu create stabs 1-10, or just one large sample with points in it that you have to chop up in the emu anyway?

good idea though, i have a bunch of audio sample cd's and im gonna do that shit later on today. :thumbs:
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Postby emugonzo » Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:50 am

great idea.
by the way, if anyone should need a program for sending say 100 drum hits in one go, awave is the shiznitz.
-drag and drop all the files you want transfered.
-hit transfer button.
-sit and watch.
-pat yourself on the back cause you've just transfered 100 samples with the click of one button!

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