'loop size!!' and 'sample size!!' errors and solution

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'loop size!!' and 'sample size!!' errors and solution

Postby virtualant » Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:21 pm


just wanted to tell you this (working with E4XT Ultra under EOS 4.7):
i was importing some banks from a sample CD, merged the banks and saved it on HD. Then i wanted to load the bank from HD into memory, but got an error "sample memory full". strange, because my merged bank had 113 MB and i have 128 MB RAM in my E4XT Ultra.
ok, then tryed to load the presets one by one, but from the beginning on i got only garbage in my RAM. Samples not sounding or samples which started 1 second later.
then i checked the samples on the HD which made problems, with the "Sample Manage -> Info" Dialog. It occured that almost all samples were garbade, starting at "-3456" or having size of "0 KB" and so on.
what the hell happened here? was my HD broken?
so i loaded again the first or the third or the 5th bank from CD into RAM, stepped into sample-edit AND.... saw Error messages like "sample 04 xx loop error!!" or "sample 06 sample size error!!" and "right end zero error!!". Every bank i loaded into RAM had one or more of this Errors.
i read a lot here about Sample Integrity here, but this didn't helped me. But some guys had the same errors, right?
so i checked the manual AND i think i found the solution (just for me but maybe also for you?):
Under "Master -> Setup -> Import" the first entry "Combine L/R into stereo" was "on". And all Samples from this AKAI CD were splitted into -L and -R.
So i changed this entry into "off" .... and voila! Suddenly NO errors when loading the banks from this CD. No errors under sample-edit.

So everyone who had the same error messages: check this preference and maybe this is also the solution for your problem.

best regards...
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Re: 'loop size!!' and 'sample size!!' errors and solution

Postby virtualant » Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:35 pm

Update news - made some new tests, working with two different AKAI Sample CDs, the one from yesterday and another one.
Both have splitted Stereo Samples, so for (almost) every sample there is a version -L and -R on the CDs.
I have two 4XT Ultras and changed them to "Combine L/R into Stereo: on".
I tested the 2 CDs in my two Ultras, and the error-CD from yesterday makes same errors in both machines, while the other Sample-CD works fine on both machines! No Problems with combining stereo, and after saving the bank it loads fine into memory without "Sample Memory Full".

so my conclusion is
1. if there are splitted Stereo Samples on AKAI CDs, this can make problems if you want to combine them into Stereosamples.
2. to avoid the errors you have to deactivate "combine".

the question left is: what's the reason for this problems? is my CD damaged, or maybe the samples are not cut well with different lengths?
or is there a bug in the EOS while importing Samples, which only occurs in some circumstances?

any suggestions?
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Re: 'loop size!!' and 'sample size!!' errors and solution

Postby JAHFUNK » Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:07 am

virtualant wrote:1. if there are splitted Stereo Samples on AKAI CDs, this can make problems if you want to combine them into Stereosamples.
2. to avoid the errors you have to deactivate "combine".

In the past i have reloaded Akai banks saved to the HD and experienced data garble.
Thanks for the tip.

virtualant wrote:what's the reason for this problems? is my CD damaged, or maybe the samples are not cut well with different lengths?
or is there a bug in the EOS while importing Samples, which only occurs in some circumstances?

I think your conclusions are probably correct it's either...
A - Different lengths on left/right channels.
B - Bug when Importing stereo (dual mono) non native samples.


C - As the problem is only occurring with some discs it could be the author has used a more relaxed protocol than EOS was written to decode. The author might not have encountered any errors on the native Akai sampler so would not have been aware of the problem that would occure on other samplers.
You have to remember these samplers cost thousands when released and I'm sure many discs were never checked for cross platform compatibility, and those that were tested would load into E-mus fine, the problem only comes to light when reloading from HD.
Also the option to add an internal HD was expensive, so during the testing stage Akai authors might not have checked for the errors we are finding.

Just a thought.

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Re: 'loop size!!' and 'sample size!!' errors and solution

Postby jhulk » Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:52 pm

emu has always since the EII days a loop cant start on zero it always has to be3-4 samples from sample start same for the loop end there has to be 3-4 samples after loopend also try and do loops
with the loop start and end being on the most negative peak

its the same for the emax 1/2 if you are trying to do single cycle samples you need to multi loop them by 3 then loop the center single cycle this will keep the interpolation engines happy

and will stop clicks

also the problem with akai conversions with most formats is akai allow fractional loops which is great for akais

but most samplers work in 1 samples and not divisions of 1 sample

so if the akai has aloop starting at 20.5 samples and ends at 41 then the conversion soft ware will always for emu will convert to 1samples so the loop will get set to the nearest 1sample

so it could become 20-41 or 21-41 size loop because the loop was corect with the divisions of 1 sample it will be out by 0.5 samples hence the click which is why you have to re-loop
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Re: 'loop size!!' and 'sample size!!' errors and solution

Postby JAHFUNK » Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:58 am

Some good info here. Thanks for sharing.

I don't think this is a out of phase loop click that is being described.
We are talking a nasty digital garbled mess that only shows up after a reload from HD.
The sample data is messed up and the samples that do play sound much more disturbing than a click.

You might be right. The loop start/end points being right on the start/end of the data could be the culprit, or maybe the factional loops.
This may confuse the sample management system in EOS when reloading.
Perhaps it could be the 2 mono loops have different sample lengths/loop sizes and combining them into a single stereo sample is the problem.
I'm sure we are close to finding the reason.
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