Stumbled on a nasty bug when testing in Reaper and Ableton, a fix is in the making but it will take a while as i have to rewrite the midi received function and its around 4000 lines long.
The problem is situated in automating the sysex parameters directly, when an envelope assigned to a sysex parameter is set to write. It looks like once the envelope is armed the host starts polling the parameter at a very high rate, wich causes the panel to send out a continuos stream of messages, completely hogging the bandwith of the mididevice.
I have now rewritten a small portion of the panel and all is working as expected, will update once the midi received is comletely ok again.
Anyone here having the same issues in other daws?
On a side note:
I can now confirm without a doubt that Ableton's midi timing to and from external mididevices sucks bigtime, timing problems in midi notes sent out are clearly audible, a straight hat pattern sounds like a heavily swung jive, different every time
I did a small test with my rs7000 sequencer, making Live slave to the RS and locking in on the bpm and clock signal it receives, and instead of following the clock it kind of "bounces" around the received clock, slowing and speeding up the tempo like it's hooked to an lfo instead of a clock

Oh yeah, Reaper works fine