e4b file format Reverse ingeneering

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e4b file format Reverse ingeneering

Postby aerodrink » Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:16 am

Hello guys,

I'm trying to reverse ingeneer the e4b file format to produce my own banks programmatically.
Did some nerd here already done that ? :mrgreen:


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Re: e4b file format Reverse ingeneering

Postby JAHFUNK » Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:52 am

What exactly do you want to achieve?

1 Using a computer to build presets using WAVs and containing cords, save as EOS bank?
2 take an existing EOS bank and extract the samples inside a computer?
3 translate an emu preset into another format?

If so you could try CDXtract or Chicken Systems Translator, check info on the web for details.

I would be interested in any tool you could build that might make life easier :grin:
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Re: e4b file format Reverse ingeneering

Postby mosrob » Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:51 am

With Emulator X3 you can create banks on your PC and export them as .e4b-banks, although EX3 has a rough GUI.
If you can create an application with a more intuitive GUI, a better workflow, more drag&drop support and lot of templates for voice/preset creation: Go for it!
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Re: e4b file format Reverse ingeneering

Postby aerodrink » Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:43 pm

Hi crew,

Jahfunk : n°1 is the right one. The goal is to write an application (most probably in C# which is the language I'm used to work with, as a developper) that would create .e4b banks from scratch, via a GUI (build with .wav samples stored on the PC). In the past I did it all of my presets with ZoeOs via SCSI (SMDI was a life saver), but now I'm in the Win7 world and SCSI seems like a dead language to my laptop. Still I can exchange loads of data between the PC and the EMu, thanks to the compact flash reader mounted in the floppy bay (32 gigs recognized 8-) ).

I've tried an old version of Translator (2.9 as far as I can remember), there were bugs and the application crashed quite often. If anyone has experience on the latest version, I'd be glad to hear about how it runs.

mosrob : did'nt try Emulator X3, at least it's nice to see that there is another tool that exist ! I'll drop an eye on it.

Back the the reverse engineering stuff : so far, I already found a bit of structure in the .e4b files, but it's loooong geeky work analysing differences between hex files :mrgreen: (hopefully some Tools make life easier). But when the work will be a little more achieved, I'll post the results here (even if it's not 100% hacked, help is always appreciated ^^)

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