memorycleaner wrote:
The question is: Can I copy .eos files from my windows internal CD/DVD rom player to my ZIP drive through the SCSI PCI card?
Will it work?
To expand on mosrobs answer
Windows will not directly read a CD-ROM formatted in EOS, but some third party software can read and import Presets.
Windows will read EOS files from your CD-ROM if the disc is formatted in FAT, and allow you to copy and paste these EOS files onto the zip drive via the SCSI card so long as the the zip disc is also formatted in FAT.
Windows will not open EOS files directly but copying is not a problem its the disc format not the file type that confuses windows.
So forget trying to copy files from a native Emu disc with only windows, but you can copy Emu EOS files backed up onto a windows formatted CD-ROM. You can also copy EOS Presets and Banks that you may want to import from your sampler to the PC via the ZIP drive.
Just remember that your sampler needs to be running EOS4.7 in order to see the fat formatted ZIP
You can also copy a native format EOS CD-ROM to an empty CDR using normal CD writting software such as Nero, but this will only make a complete backup of the disc.
So if your sampler is able to run EOS4.7 you can do transfers via SCSI using a ZIP disc formatted in FAT.
It's not a simple yes or no so I hope this clears things up and not confusses matters further.