Still there, reading mostly.
I checked and didn't realised i signed in here in 2005. It really is a precious forum. Bought a 6400 back then but sucked at making music. Sold it without mastered it.
Switched to computer.
And one day you know, some weeks ago in fact...your beloved and expensive Mac containing your daily virtual instruments die and you are stuck. I mean STUCK!
You reached a point where you can do music with that technology. But in the end you finded mostly annoying to work with, as it barely have the feeling of an instrument. Yes, there are awesome instruments like Maschine and Spark but in the end i realize i never really liked the sound of virtual instruments. Quite like being high with placebo pills at a party.
Not that i can't make it sound quite big but it lacks textures, depth, tone to not be layered, perfectly mixed, destroyed, ultramaximized, trendy. Which in the end is fatiguing to listen to.
We lost something, soundwise.
Yes! Back to E-MU, back to reall balls, back to dynamics! (i wonder how i will succed with that and if the wedding last past honeymoon.
Picked a PX7, next an Emulator as soon as i can swap my synth for one. And later, i will get back that SP in my studio, i miss her. Wish i never sold that damn 12 Turbo.
Oh, and will catch an Atari for a good measure.
What a regression, fuck i'm getting old but happy to catch that opportunity.