Klaseed wrote:Agreed on all accounts, but especially:
2: it has amazing DAC's [and ADC's]
A BIG part of the sound, and one that is unlikely ever to be emulated. Assuming the E5 comes along, it will kill on a G5, and if they get the filters right will be deadly. BUT it won't sound *quite* like an Emu, will it?

depends, you know? you never know, they wrote the damn filters in the first place, all they have to do is change the system architecture, which of course is no small task but they already created the bad ass sounding filters, they just have to make them run on other processors.
and the g5 desktops have digital out's and stuff, one thing i'd most like to see (especially in powerbooks) is better DAC's/outputs, like 2 1/4" out's with emu quality DAC's and g5 processors in them would a bad ass laptop make.
ooh, imagine if emu released a 64 bit softsampler for the g5, but they won't because they have a retarded windows-bias. they'll release the softsampler for x86 and make us mac users wait a couple years for a mac port. bastards.