New RFX User.. Many Problems!

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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New RFX User.. Many Problems!

Postby Flipped » Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:13 pm

I recently purchased the RFX card, the RFX 8 analog outs and the RFX 4 inputs for my e5000. After a successful installation I went through the "Putting it all together" step in the RFX-32 manual and was very impressed.

I was able to assign effects by Voice, Channel and Mixer. But after being very content with EOS 4.61 for more than a year I decided to upgrade to 4.7 to check out the new compressor plugin... big mistake. The sampler that has been rock solid started making terrible noises on my Sub 6 output whenever I played a preset. The original preset would sound as it should but after hitting a few keys on my keyboard it would gradually transform into a unhealthy loud squeel. Sub 4 and Sub 5 were fine though. (???)

I decided to regress back to 4.61 and the terrible noise on Sub 6 disappeared. But now I seem to only be able to assign effects by Voice! I followed the exact same steps as before in the "Putting it all together" tutorial but I am unable to apply effects by channel or mixer! If someone out there has an answer to this problem I would be very
grateful. Plus I notice that my e5000 lets out a audible pop when it boots up with both 4.61 and 4.7 since installing the new options... has anyone noticed this!?!

I was so pumped that I got an RFX... now I almost regret shelling out the cash for something I wish would work. I am still hopeful though. If anyone out there can help I would be very grateful.
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RE: New RFX User.. Many Problems!

Postby Ross » Tue Nov 04, 2003 10:31 pm

Right now I am going through the same RFX-hell...!

I have a Emu 5000 ultra with RFX32 and 8 Analog Out (rfx).

After detecting these terrible noises which come with EOS 4.7 I decided to downgrade back to 4.61.

Result after installing 4.61 is that while selecting effects (in REffect and RSetup) I can hear them operate well.
After I leave the menu and while following steps in "putting them all together" the effects go silent.

I Tried to downgrade to 4.10a but then my Emu froze. Upgrade back to 4.61 didn't change anything.

Did you solve this matter already? What was your solution?
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New RFX User.. Many Problems!

Postby Ross » Sat Nov 08, 2003 4:11 pm

Seems after reading the manual and understanding the complex nature of the RFX operation 4.61 runs fine now.

The Emu support was pretty quick in answering my question:
If you want to do a hard reset you can go in the testing menu of the Emu.

After using password 1358 the whole opsys (Eos) can be erased from the flash memory and you can make a fresh start.
My Emu didn't need this, however this can be useful oneday.

I won't burn my hands on Eos 4.7 until it is no longer in Beta status, which will be oneday I hope.
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Postby Flipped » Sun Nov 09, 2003 12:56 am

Hey Ross,

The reason I couldn't hear any effects was that my e5000 was in multi mode and I did not have my Multisetup configured correctly. After playing around with the Multisetup parameters I got the E-mu working the way I wanted. Although your problem may have been different, I am glad you finally got it working. Welcome to the RFX club my friend. :thumbs:
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Postby dugawug » Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:17 pm

hi guys,
i'm trying to let everyone on this forum know that EMU has given me word that they don't have fixes for EOS in the works, they are focusing on software samlers for next year and apparently are abondoning their hardware users to some degree. i'm urging everyone on this forum to write EMU NOW and tell them to fix 4.7 (b/c seriously, they're not intending to anymore)!
write them here:

if we all write them, they just might consider fixing and keeping EOS up to date!
i wrote this to can copy it and change it or write your own message:

i am a recent purchaser of an E4XT Ultra and an RFX-32 card and am very unpleased that there are some major bugs with EOS in regards to the RFX card. one known bug, "random panning" has apparently been an issue in nearly every version of EOS. and 4.7's bug, "outbursts" is really a big one. i've been on forums and websites and many other people are frustrated with these issues like me. i'd like to hear that you are working on these and i want to know when a full and clean version of 4.7 will be released. i hear you are moving to software and i'd like to know you're not leaving your hardware users in the dark. thanks!"
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Postby cm_locuss » Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:17 am

i wrote my letter to e-mu. i think i should of been a little nicer :grin: i wrote everyword with anger :slayer: hopefully they will realise that the problems they don't deal with today will have a huge affect on their rep in the future :thumbs: . and you know what, i can care less if they go out of business. they should have never even thought about releasing a product with issues that will effect its performance...simple....what bastards :finger: emu. i loved my e64, i should have stuck with that and spent money on a TC Fireworx for fx. for everyone here if you have a e64 and want to upgrade to a machine that supports the rfx....please don't bother. save your money get a "real fx processor" peace. Chris :pimp:
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Postby cm_locuss » Sat Dec 13, 2003 2:22 am

btw. don't get me wrong for the post above, i really love my 6400 ultra i'm just pissed that emu sold me the rfx probally knowing that it will never work how it should :thumbs:
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Postby division2000 » Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:39 pm



how many people here are under warranty?
i am almost out of it, so i need to do something fast...very fast...
come on, give me some numbers...

and can all of u post replys u got from emu, so we can see if they are having "templates" of emails for that matter...

come on


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Postby cm_locuss » Sat Dec 13, 2003 6:50 pm

i'm still under warranty untill about june/july 2004....any one else?
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