dwam issues?

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dwam issues?

Postby sampleandhold » Thu Dec 25, 2003 9:04 pm

i am running eos 4.01....

i have the dwam card, with a ascii keyboard hooked up to it. today as i was working, my keyboard just stopped working. any one have this happened? it seems to only happen when i am in the preset edit section of the sampler as i am playing my tune. I'm typically making adjustments to the sounds in my break that i have in that preset and it just all the sudden stops working. but i can still make adjustments from the face plate. i have to turn the emu off and back on in order to get the sampler to recognize my keyboard. i tried swaping my computers ascii for my emu's and see if it works, but it didn't work. i also can't find anything anywere in the sampler that will let me "jump start" the keyboard again.

anyway... has anyone had this happen to them? do you guys think i have a bad dwam or is my eos kind of shady.

I hope you guys can help me out.

cheers, and merry christmas.
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Postby dugawug » Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:19 am

pardon my completely non-helpful reply, but what is dwam????
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Postby razmo » Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:43 pm


It's the digital I/O option.

I guess it means: (D)igital I/O, (W)ord clock I/O, (A)scii keyboard, (M)idiport I/O... or in short: DWAM! :O)

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (razmo)
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby Dane » Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:48 pm

razmo wrote:Hi!

It's the digital I/O option.

I guess it means: (D)igital I/O, (W)ord clock I/O, (A)scii keyboard, (M)idiport I/O... or in short: DWAM! :O)

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (razmo)

Hey !

That explanation is good enough for me. I bet you're right Jess.

Ha' en god nyt?rsaften.

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Postby razmo » Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:10 pm

I lige m?de! :O)

(don't worry non-danes! ... nothing important there ;O)
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
Posts: 62
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Location: Denmark

It's the f*cking number lock....

Postby sampleandhold » Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:03 am

I think i have gotten down to the bottom of this....


like any one else has THIS happen to them...


doesn't look like it... from all the responses that i got on this :grin:

but just incase this happens to one of you, this is what i have learned. two things:

1.) i should either A.)review hardware for magazines or B.) become a beta tester for hardware or software. I seem to find bugs almost right away when it comes to these things. sort of like the bug i found in pro audio 8 where if you drag a click up too far you destroy the path name and thus make it impossible to save your midi info.... even a few hours later. he he... lost a few songs to that.

2.) it appears, that when one has the number lock on when using the dwam, if you hit two keys at once other than the alt or ctrl buttons, you effectively wipe out the keyboard. what happens typically, the best case scenario if you will, is you have to push the number lock again to activate the ten key, even thought the led is lit. also the F keys go if you hit two at the same time. often times though, you can hit f1, and then hit it again and it will start to function again.

I am also lead to believe that the emu can't handle the number lock function and thus will sometimes lock the keyboard up. I have been unable to lock the keyboard up and clearly understand what circumstance has lead to the failure. but i am almost certian that the issue is with the number lock. i am going to start working (god i wish i could use ten key) with out the number lock on and see if the emu locks out the keyboard.

the two keys that seem to be the most damning are the down and left arrows. i use those to quickly move around the emu, but in my frantic button smashing i must at some point hit two of the keys together at the same time, thus creating the fault, which i believe is a percursor to the over all failure of the emu to continue receiving information from the keyboard.

i am going to post once more on this when i am completely sure of what is going on.

so my last question is: what is more rewarding? creating a song or learning your emu so much that you know every single bug it has.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:18 am

I have come to the conclusion that the sampler can only handle so much information. so, if you are playing a squence with a high p count and you start messing around with the keyboard at the same time, the sampler will wave a little white flag saying "i give up" and will boot what it considers extranious componets. so basicauly to prevent the sampler from locking up, it will key the controller for the keyboard out so you can no longer use it. thus freeing up clock cycles for itself.

at least this is my idea. i rarely use the keyboard when i play a sequence anymore, and as such haven't lost control of it.

so i think basically the cpu just loses it and the eos says "bye bye, keyboard" and that is it.

so you have to be gentle with the old bird...
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