Weirdest freaky ass problem

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Weirdest freaky ass problem

Postby ezman » Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:23 pm

I have one particular sample that does something really odd when I send it over to the sampler.

At the end of the sample all the samples from the bank play after it (for as long as I hold down the key). Even stranger is I can even erase the bank and it still does exactly the same. It does this even in sample edit - the sample I send over shows the correct length.

Freaky or what?
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Postby Flipped » Sun Jan 04, 2004 5:23 am

Sounds freaky to me. I am at a loss for words... any ideas anyone?
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Postby division2000 » Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:55 pm


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Postby illinformed » Sun Jan 04, 2004 8:13 pm

I have had a similar result when playing around with sample start and pitch in cords page. A value of 127 in the "sample offset" field (voice modifier page) combined with 'sstart cord being assigned to a midi controller seems to produce this result more frequently.
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Postby dugawug » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:06 am

hey ezman,
this may or may not work, but try opening up the file on your computer and checking for any loop markers that may be attached to the sample file.
i switched from a Kurzweil to my EMU (something i'm not always happy about) and noticed something very similar happening to all my samples that were exported from the Kurzweil. when i opened them up in Wavelab, i saw little nasty loop markers the Kurzweil decided to throw on there. and same thing, playing these samples back in anything but my Kurzweil produced really wild shit, basically running through tons of other samples and sounding like all types of madness. anyhow, check for loop markers or any other wierd shit on the file, remove them, and try it in your E4 again.
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