rfx card not installed message?

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

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rfx card not installed message?

Postby ratty » Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:35 pm

Ez chaps,

I got an e6400 ultra at the weekend :grin: and when I bought it I was told it has an rfx card installed (being an emu newbie I wouldn't know what to look for).

When it boots up I can see the "effects installed message" and all the rest. But when in the effects section I scroll left from "master effect a" to the "rfx effect manage" screen I'm getting the message "rfx card not installed". Does this mean the card is not in there? Beginning to wonder if I've been had.

I'm running eos 4.61 btw.

And sorry if this subject has been posted before but I couldn't find anything in the search.

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Location: Jannersville UK

Postby Flipped » Fri Feb 27, 2004 5:37 pm

If you have an RFX card installed the boot screen should state that the RFX card is installed. If it doesn't state this and you can't scroll to to the RFX menus then it is possible that there is no RFX card installed or it may be bunk. In the worst case scenerio take the beast apart and look for the RFX card. It will be a card sticking straight up around the middle left of the board when having the front of the sampler facing you. I can't remember any other details about it since it has been a while since I took my E-mu apart bu I hope you sort this out. :???:
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Postby ratty » Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:23 pm


I got the sampler well cheap with a flight case thrown in anyway so I don't feel hard done by. The filters will more than suffice.

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