The British are invadeing the USA

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What is the next step for D&B?

Blow Up in the USA.
Increase in size where they are at currently.
Go Global with a move towards POP imageing and style.
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Total votes : 3

The British are invadeing the USA

Postby lost_sound » Tue May 04, 2004 6:04 am

I have been noticeing in the mags and on Drum&Bass Arena that alot of the UK talent is moveing to the USA. What gives? Tell the Britts that I'm on to them and I will be on the Front line if they think they can take over.


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Postby Silverman2 » Tue May 04, 2004 10:23 pm

I would be more worried about the World backlash, against your shitty imperial Nazi government if I was you.

easy now

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Postby Silverman2 » Tue May 04, 2004 10:26 pm

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Postby lost_sound » Wed May 05, 2004 2:02 am

I was talking about D&B. We didn't vote on putting missiles on air planes!


have you ever been to the US?
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Postby Silverman2 » Thu May 06, 2004 8:17 pm

Yeah few years ago, had a great time
loads of cool ppl

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Postby lost_sound » Thu May 06, 2004 9:27 pm

adam F, Fresh are setting up shop in broklyn. and IMO most of the good tunes are comeing from people located in the US.

My point is that there may be a larger d&b scene then people are led to belive in the US. It's just deciving because we are all spread out. Not to mention there is a much larger potenial audience that lives to spend money.

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Postby Silverman2 » Thu May 06, 2004 9:54 pm

Adam F's a very talented man and I'm sure the powerful vibe in NY will serve him well.

Soz to get of on my high horse :grin: have nothing against the American ppl but I Find ur current politics is in a dangerous mess.

Do you like London Electricity/ Influx Datum ?

Have not kept up with any new stuff but last year the above Dnb artists wer kicking ass!

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Postby misanthrop » Thu May 06, 2004 11:27 pm

i need more impulse than fresh ...
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Postby Klaseed » Fri May 07, 2004 1:24 am

Good point, lost sound. I've thought for a long time that the only problem with stateside DnB was that we're all so far apart. I mean England is, what, the size of California? If you took every DnB producer in the nation, and put 'em in Cali, we'd come up with even more sick shit than we already do.
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Postby lost_sound » Fri May 07, 2004 3:39 am

England is the size of Delaware, thats about 2,000 Sq. Miles.

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Postby lost_sound » Fri May 07, 2004 3:45 am

Don't forget that Americans know how to go big.


oh ya and the best audio recordings, and the best marketing come from us too.
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Postby misanthrop » Fri May 07, 2004 6:42 pm

i think something like that happened ages before.. usa is the land of the sick brits ... ;-)
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Postby Silverman2 » Fri May 07, 2004 11:47 pm

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Postby lost_sound » Sat May 08, 2004 1:13 am

True very true, but don't be upset that people that the UK deemed sick are successful.

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errr... both uk and usa suck, ok ?

Postby Johnny Digital » Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:46 pm


i don't see why... if i ever relocate because of a electronic music career i would go to berlin... berlin is the world electronic music capital...

apart from EMU what else good has come from the USA ?

In europe we've all the great partys... electronic is more european like rock might be north-american


ps: saw that 911 stuff... intriguing
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