Ive tryed to make the same "dust" crossfaders with 2 loops ive sent from recycle ( both on 180 bpm)via scsi to the same preset, on 2 different voices. (ive sent all the loop on one shot, not sliced),
And ive set no not chage the picht, so i was playing arround with the Mod wheel as a crossfader....wicked!
the question, mainly is:
if theres some way to make the same, but with slices instead a whole loop (on cubase, 2 midi tracks shooting midi notes)
theres a way of making a crossfade (mod wheel) of more that 4 or 5 breaks in a row?
Ive been listen to Teebees tracks for a while, and if someone heard "the claw" or "rebel Assault" to give a few examples should understand what i mean.
If someone want to start a post like...." how to make that, from that artist track" would be nice to take to the light some unexplained secrets from top producers.
is not very useful to have the enitre loop instead the chopped samples, it must be a more flexible way of work...is it?
thanks for this useful forum
sorry for my english...
AX-AT from the very south...