Using Emulator X as a stand alone sampler...?

Everything on the first soft sampler from Emu.

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Using Emulator X as a stand alone sampler...?

Postby tango » Sun May 23, 2004 9:31 pm

Can anyone help?
Just bought an Emulator X with 1212 and am a bit confused as to how to use it as as a stand alone MIDI sampler. It works fine as a VST plug in, but I would like to take advantage of the effects if poss (assuming that they're of better quality than EMU's usual effects...) and there is absolutely nothing in the manual regarding MIDI connections for it. I'm assuming it should work the same way as my e5000, but I can't seem to get any sound from it, or if I do it it will only play on one MIDI channel, as if in omni mode. I am using Logic Audio 5.5- do I need to set anything up differently in the environment for it? Any pointers greatly appreciated...
Also, am I the only person who thinks it's ridiculous for EMU to provide absolutely no support whatsoever for rex 2 files for this program? rex 1 files were supported (why?) but they've even dropped them now. My entire breaks collection is in rex 2 format, so if I want to use them I have to convert them to EXS 24/Halion files, then convert them into emulator files. I emailed EMU about it, but no support is planned...
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Postby ezman » Tue May 25, 2004 5:10 pm

You should have a new VST plugin called E-wire - saw this in ahem...Computer Music. Apparently it might be in a folder called Creative Pro at the mo so do a search, and then plonk it in your plugins folder if needs be. This should let you use the effects i think. mind you i don't have the emu-x so can't be sure :thumbs:
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Using Emulator X as a stand alone sampler...

Postby tango » Tue May 25, 2004 7:39 pm

Nice one Ezman I'll check that out. Would like to use outputs from 1212 if poss tho cos I reckon it'll prob sound better than my Delta 410. Any more info greatly appreciated...
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Postby ezman » Tue May 25, 2004 10:32 pm

the forum in the link above seems totally dedicated to emulator x and already has quite a few posts on the 1212 etc. That's probably the best info i can give you.
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Using Emulator X as a stand alone sampler...

Postby tango » Wed May 26, 2004 7:07 pm

Thanx Ezman have just had a look some topics from that link and it's becoming a bit clearer. Still a bit confused about midi connections tho- will post a more detailed topic on that forum and see what other info I can get. Respect...
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Postby Samplecraze » Mon May 31, 2004 2:47 pm

If you're are using the s/card, then launch the Emulator X, go to preferences(main top row), select midi and use the port that you are connected to on the midi in.
I use the EX as a stand alone and the 1820M, and this is how I set it up.

best of luck.
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Using Emulator X stand alone...

Postby tango » Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:36 pm

Nice one Samplcraze think that's solved it then...
Cheers ;0)
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