all notes off?

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all notes off?

Postby dugawug » Fri May 28, 2004 5:33 am

uh, i'm sitting here dumming out at my studio right now in disbelief that i don't know how to send an "all notes off" panic style command to my E4XT Ultra.
funny, i checked the manual to no avail.
i got certain samples that loop out of control for some reason? they're supposed to be one-shot samples? dunno why it freaks out and loops them. anyhow, i can't stop it and every time i run across this, i have to power down and loose all my work :cry:
there is a way to stop this?
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Postby ezman » Fri May 28, 2004 7:48 am

I think maybe the 'audition' button acts as a panic button?
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Postby drayon » Fri May 28, 2004 9:23 am

'Sample Edit' acts as Panic.
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Postby illinformed » Fri May 28, 2004 1:54 pm

Sending Midi cc120 will turn off all notes but it's midi channel specific if you're in Multimode. Normally I do flip to Sample Edit but sometimes I get stuck notes when playing live and flipping to sample edit can sound really messy. To get round this I've programmed a panic button into my Control Freak which sends cc120 on all midi channels. I think any value of cc120 works but I always send 0.
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Postby dugawug » Fri May 28, 2004 6:35 pm

thanks for the replies.
i don't think the audition button did it, pretty sure i tried that.
drayon sounds pretty certain that sample edit works. i'll try that.
as far as sending CC messages...i'm not really using any external sequencer to easily do this on. and my percussion controller doesn't do it i'm sure.
i'll hope the sample edit button works
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Postby sampleandhold » Sat May 29, 2004 4:12 am

i typically get stuck notes sometimes too. usually because i set my amp adsr "wrong." sometimes the notes just get stuck. usually on a looped patch or something. what i have found that works, and was suggested to me by some one on here, madmax? i can't remember, was to go into master section, find the bit where you can play test tones, and play one of the test tones. (shhhhhhhh, here is a tip, turn you mixer down all the way or you'll get blown across the room, i have hurt my ears because of that.)

that is the one thing that has always worked for me. I think i have had the sample edit work, but not all the time.

one of the funnier experiances for me was i some how got my emu to invert the delay of a tone or something. I was sitting there and i started to hear the patch playing in the background somewhat quitely, and slowly it got louder, oh oh, and louder, what is my sampler doing, and louder, panic, and louder, i can't stop it, louder, hit a key, louder with a new sound doing the same thing, my ears! damn it, that didn't work, and louder, ahhhhhhh, must turn down mixer, and louder, it's never going to stop, even louder...

turned of the power in the end. that is why i am very scared to play with the release part of amp adsr.

but try the test tone section. should work.
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Postby dugawug » Sat May 29, 2004 6:59 pm

hmmm...i'll try that too if sample edit don't work. see my problem is certain one shot drum samples for some reason decide to loop. they must have loop markers on them or something...they're coming off an EMU CDROM disc, so who fuckin knows. but anyhow, it's not a stuck note per se. i'll try your idea too but i don't think that would do anything but, like you say, blow my fucking ear drums out while my stupid sample is looping! :grin:
i'll soon actually get back into the studio and try all these ideas.
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Postby sampleandhold » Mon May 31, 2004 5:18 am

now, you say that it is like a single hit drums is looping? that sounds, well, stupid. i mean why would they make a single hit loop on a emu cd-rom? then what might be happening if it is in fact looping from the loop function that the programmer put latch control on. you have to hit the key once to start the loop, and again to end it. but you act like this is inconsistant, so i would suspect that none of the above are what's really happening.

first thing, make sure there is no loop, turn it off.

turn latch mode off.

third thing, if the stuck note thing starts up again, go into the multi mode screen and see if there is activity on you midi channel, or look at the led that indicates midi operation. if there is midi activity, then your sequencer freaking.

if not, then i would check the matrix mod and see if there is a cord, go through all of the pages, that is tied with the sample loop destination. turn that off. if there is no such cord, then perhaps recreate the preset by extracting all the samples and placing them in a new preset. then if you still get that weird problem, then that would mean that the cd rom isn't buggy, there is something going on with your emu. Not saying that your emu is broke, just there might be some bug that none of us has seen yet.

of course, do all the typical trouble shooting stuff. best thing is to see if the sampler does this on a specific key, or at a specific time. i remember a song i was working on a looooong time ago, it would actualy slow down by it's self and speed up again. Never really figured out what happened, it was only at a certian section of the song, and only on that song.

that is about all the advise i can give with out being there. hope you get it sorted. I would almost think by the nature of your problem that all the solutions we have given will not work at all. but you never know.
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Postby dugawug » Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:04 pm

okay, it was Drayon's "Sample Edit" button that solved my problem.
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