honest bob II wrote:Does it follow that e4s WITHOUT the rfx installed are trouble free ?
well, the outbursts and random panning bugs are ONLY RFX related, so no rfx, no way you'll get these problems.
as for other bugs, i dunno...i'm somehow using RFX with EOS 4.7 bug free...i know of others who are too, yet i know of others who have these bugs. i almost have to suspect the problem somewhere lies in the hardware itself for these problems, not EOS. i'm sure others would disagree, but how can you explain why some get the bugs, some don't using the same OS?
honest bob II wrote:Could i just remove the rfx or does the OS require it to be there ?
you can just pop it out if it gives you problems...the OS won't care...you'll just be stuck with the decent, but pretty damn limited, internal effects.
i wouldn't hesitate on the machine because of the RFX, it sounds like a great deal. if the RFX does give you problems, take it out and sell it here or on Ebay. or you might be lucky like me and have no problems whatsoever with it.
honest bob II wrote:Would still like to know what % of Ultra/Platinum users have to deal with OS/rfx quirks as an on going issue ?
i think we would like to know that too. it's hard b/c most of the people who post about it only do so b/c they have problems...i mean, no one posts and says "hey, i don't have any bugs!" (although sometimes i want to post this just to bragg)