RFX32 and EMU4XT -- cure to random panning and bursts??

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RFX32 and EMU4XT -- cure to random panning and bursts??

Postby volltreffer » Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:03 pm


I recently bought a e4xtultra with the rfx32. Already was in repair two times - simply would not work. Problem was the mainboard...

Now I have the random panning problem AND ugly 'random bursts' on headphone and on the outputs. I was ready to send the emu back...
Tried out different RAM (have a lot from old wrecked PCs) no way to get rid of the problem..


I have the impression that it is a thermal problem: the only thing that seems to cure the disease is to start the beast up, wait for somthing like 10 minutes, switch off and start again. Then I load my sounds and it seems to work properly. Played for some hours with the dynamic piano (that would always trigger the random panning as well as bursts after some time) -- nothing. :slayer:

Has someone else yet noticed this solution? Is it just something that did work by chance? Will it become worse??

Looking forward to your replies... (If that was the solution - too bad there are no more cards... )

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Postby Silverman2 » Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:44 am

Cheers for posting ur findings!

In breif my own perspective on the noise burst problem, is that when 4.7 was released sum1 hacked the filter code to give realtime resonance control. Unfortunately, when combined with the RFX card the following filters send spurious/ erratic information:

4 pole LowPass
6 pole LowPass
Vocal oo-ah

(possibly flanger lite :sad: )

Avoiding these filters seems to be the only reliable work arround for myself.

PS: be careful when using headphones testing for this bug........WHAT!!

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Postby volltreffer » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:43 am

Oh yeah the bursts do REALLY hurt :mrgreen:

I assume there is something going wrong in the initialization of either the card or the EMU when the card is plugged in and something is not warm enough. After some time for warming up and a new startup, it seems to be ok (at least with my machine).

Some of the artifacts were indeed flanging, so it might be the flanger lite, too... (Though I did not use it incidentally - but I'm a total newbie with the EMU - and with samplers in general). I don't even know if my dynamic piano uses the 4pole or 6pole filters...

Would you be able to test for the bug disappearing when re-starting after something like 10 min for warming up?
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Postby Silverman2 » Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:29 pm

I shall test ur 10 min warm up idea l8tr on this evening. To me the sound is like a full scale 2-bit audio sample (much like the emagic bit crusher).

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Postby volltreffer » Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:31 pm

Well, I have the random panning, some background flanged echoes and sudden bursts...

If my warm up method (or any other) will not cure the stuff, I'll prolly return the thingy (or maybe at least the RFX)...

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Postby razmo » Thu May 06, 2004 8:57 pm


This "warm up" procedure seems to fit in perfectly with what I discovered while testing that damn panning bug. Initially the problem was VERY noticeable, but with time, the problem seemed to ALMOST disappear. I hardcore tested the panning bug with some special waveforms that are HARD ON when played (Phase of the waveform starts at max. amplitude). Using these samples gives some very sharp clicks when the sample is played back. After some time vith very noticable panning problems, the bug seems to disappear, but with these special waveforms, you can still hear the very short clicks panning randomly about. This is easily heard on many snaredrum samples also.

A tech guy mentioned something about the CPU RAM being the prob. cause because of ram-wait states, and after the latest tests, I think I'd suspect the same thing.

Even though, I've also witnessed the display act rather slugishly in it's backlight and contrast while the R-FX is in the sampler. This just do not make any sense, since I've installed a new RFX PSU in my sampler sent to me by EMU themselves! ...

There is something screwy goin on in that beast! :O(

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.
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Postby volltreffer » Tue May 25, 2004 10:31 pm

tried to restart the emu after a while??

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Postby illinformed » Wed May 26, 2004 3:42 pm

I'll post what I put in the 'RFX keep it all in one thread' thread as it seems relevant.


Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:05 pm

I was having a good experimental session with the emu last night and started getting the random noise burst problem. It was getting unbearable however I managed to find a way to stop it. It only happened when I sent a signal to the RFX using Submix field in the main Multimode Screen. I was sending it to Bus7. I was able to eliminate the bursts by changing the the Submix to Mixer and routing the signal to Bus7 in the RFX Mixer screen. It also eliminated it when I sent it to Bus7 inside the voice.

Normally I always program sends to RFX Bus as part of voice and this may explain why I've never noticed the burst problem before. I also noticed that the burst problem seemed to get worse when my polyphony was maxed out and also when the RFX compressor was being used. I can't remeber exaclty however I think it stopped if I sent the signal to Main in the Multimode screen - it was very late so apologies if none of this works. I was also using a friends e6400 Ultra and RFX which has the old power supply in it. I haven't tried it in mine yet which has the new supply in it.

I didnt experiment with every Bus however it would be interesting to see if anyone who frequently gets the burst problem sends their signals to the RFX via the main Multimode Screen.

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Postby dantastic » Sun May 30, 2004 9:35 pm

illinformed wrote:I'll post what I put in the 'RFX keep it all in one thread' thread as it seems relevant.


Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:05 pm

I was also using a friends e6400 Ultra and RFX which has the old power supply in it. I haven't tried it in mine yet which has the new supply in it.


i have had the power supply upgraded, dont you remember?? :roll: ;)
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Postby illinformed » Mon May 31, 2004 1:11 pm

Oh fub yeah, forgot about that. Well that rules out power issues then.
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