Successfully updated my Emu with the files from the Emu site, follow these steps (by Fabrice Bernet Technical Support E-MU Systems);
First of all you will need to format 2 floppy discs. 1 for the Flash
Prep and one for the EOS.
Create the FlashPrep disc and then the Eos disc folowing these steps.
1. Download the files and uncompress if necessary.
2. Place a high density floppy in your floppy drive
3. Launch the EOS/FlashPrep executable (.exe) and type the drive letter
"a" of your floppy drive.
4) label each disc
Then lace the floppy "Flash Prep" in your sampler and turn it on. Always
use Flash Prep 1st when required as part of your OS upgrade.
The sampler will tell you it has detected a flash prep.
When you get the "Burn to Flash", say Yes
If it ask you if you want to do a copy, say No.
Then turn off the Sampler and place the floppy "EOS" in your sampler and
turn it on to complete the EOS installation.
Best Regards,