Sooooo, what do you use to sequence?

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Sooooo, what do you use to sequence?

Postby Breaktime » Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:08 pm

I use an ATARI with my EMU to sequence.....the timing is so dam tight -

I bought a USB to MIDI converter for my PC laptop to try it out with my EMU and Cubase on the laptop and found the timing is terrible......

what about everyone else?
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Re: Sooooo, what do you use to sequence?

Postby illinformed » Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:50 pm

Logic and an rm1x, occasionally an r8mkII. The rm1x is so quick at getting ideas together. I then dump these ideas into Logic and arrange them.
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Postby ezman » Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:47 pm

Cubase VST 5 on a mac. When I get a G5 I'll probably give logic a go.

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Postby ra coon » Sun Feb 08, 2004 12:40 am

gonna see what my mmt8 is lke if I can be bothered, I think you can arrange in PC then midi dump hopefully, otherwise I think logic will have to do.
ra coon
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Postby recury » Sun Feb 08, 2004 8:07 am

I use vst 5.5 on PC, intuitive no frill sequencing. I thought about updating to sx but couldn't find any real advantages midi wise.
Was working with a friend who was doing allsorts of weird and wonderful things with MAX/MSP and supercollider so I downloaded pure data (it's free :thumbs: ) which was developed by the same guy who did MAX/MSP. PD is alot to get your head around and I don't expect to get much good from it without alot of a perfect world i'd have a Mac running logic.
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Postby Klaseed » Sun Feb 08, 2004 8:37 pm

Logic 5 on a PC for now, but I just bought a Mac laptop, so it'll be Logic 6 soon... I couldn't live without Logic, but I've been playing around with Live recently, and keep thinking about checking out Max...

I'm rather concerned about MIDI timing these days, so I keep meaning to buy a serial interface, as they're allegedly more solid. I wonder...
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Postby johan » Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:55 pm

"I'm rather concerned about MIDI timing these days, so I keep meaning to buy a serial interface, as they're allegedly more solid. I wonder..."

What do you mean with "serial interface" ? I've been looking for something to hook to a G5 and another one to a PC laptop... Any examples or suggestions ?

(BTW I use Logic as a sequencer)
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Postby suspekt » Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:08 pm

johan wrote:What do you mean with "serial interface" ? I've been looking for something to hook to a G5 and another one to a PC laptop... Any examples or suggestions ?


i would assume he meant something along the lines of this motu piece, but while there is both USB and firewire i would imagine it's a firewire interface he is talking about.

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Postby pieuvre » Thu May 06, 2004 1:16 pm

MPC 2000 XL + E 64
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Postby om » Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:30 pm

emu xl-7 command station. Its great for programming beats. I am then anti funk, but this thing makes me sound good.

Its good for pattern based stuff but for other stuff I'm thinking of using the Cubasis I got with my emulator X.
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Postby drayon » Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:12 am

johan wrote:"I'm rather concerned about MIDI timing these days, so I keep meaning to buy a serial interface, as they're allegedly more solid. I wonder..."

What do you mean with "serial interface" ? I've been looking for something to hook to a G5 and another one to a PC laptop... Any examples or suggestions ?

(BTW I use Logic as a sequencer)

He is talkin about a GeeThree stealth, basically, the internal modem on G4's are serial (G5's now is USB :-( ) u can have it ripped out and have a serial port connected to it. This allows connection of a serial Midi Interface. The Emagic AMT8 and the Motu interfaces have serial connectivity along side USB.

I have yet to compare timing of a midi interface connected over serial to one over USB but im told the serial is definitely tighter from ppl who have serial.
Last edited by drayon on Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bendjo » Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:28 am

I have been wondering for sometime if serial interfaces are indeed faster than midi ones. I ran a quick google search and found this article that seems to indicate that serial is indeed faster/better. ... 2001-3.htm
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Postby somsay » Sat Jul 24, 2004 10:53 pm

I use logic 5.5 silver on my G4 867 with 1.2 gig of ram, works great!

but I can't edit my modulations like the platinum version...

i cant directly draw cruves in my modulations, only straight lines, but i can do curves if i just push record and change the mod wheel arround, but it very hard to edit these modulations, cause its using the old hyper edit method.

logic still rocks!
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Postby drayon » Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:09 am

pieuvre wrote:MPC 2000 XL + E 64

Im interested in a more detailed explanation.

Using the MPC for beats only?
The EMU for Bass and other sounds?
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Postby pieuvre » Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:24 pm

it depends on the mood , what i did is create a default preset on the emu ( with all the pads assigned to the right midi notes ) . so most of the time i use the emu to filter ( mpc sucks for that ) samples .But the fact is i'm way faster with the mp ( E64 is hell slow for editing ) so i create the whole track on akai and then send digitally samples to the emu to go deeper into freq . Anyway i still searching for the right way of making it simple .But it 's great too to play crazy basslines ( just with basic noises and z planes ) , the mpc sampling engine is really bad for transpose .That's the cool thing about mpcs , it is really basic so you have to really work on your samples ( knowing that you can send it to the emu to make it sound the right way ) .
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