Hey timebomb,
I do indeed have a Hart Pro 6.4 ekit in the UK. I got mine shipped from the US about a year ago now. A few weeks later Hart finally manged to start distributing in Europe exclusively through
http://www.edrumonline.co.uk/index.html , although I'm not complaining as at the time the dollar was still weak and I got myself quite a bargain. obviously now, Hart do not ship from the US to the UK. However, the Harts are still quite reasonable compared to the Rolands in the UK, and they come with no prebundled module - which at the time could of prompted me to go straight into sampling - but instead I went for the most convenient option and most popular module, the TD-8... a sound module which uses the COSM technology. Really knew nothing about sampling back then (still don't really!), didn't even consider it - but I have been recording alot recently through Cubase, and although I find TD-8 sounding fine for practice & playing live (with a bit of tweaking), you can't escape that ekity sound on recordings. And so voila, here I am on the verge of buying something to sample for my recordings, and eventually to use for my live shows with the Hart kit.
I absolutely love the Hart kit.

I can have countless silent sessions late at night, with no complaints from my neighbours. And all those extra practice sessions do build up, I'm definately a better drummer for it. REcording has been very easy - its like having a mic'd up kit available 24 hours a day - but thats almost silent! Albeit the sounds are not high quality, but soon that will all change with sampling in place of the onboard sounds. The Hart's are made of real quality hardware - each drum itself feels quite solid & heavy, let alone the kit! unlike many plastic like ekits available. They also look fantastic, the first thing that strikes you is how good they look. The Kontrol Screen super-ply mesh heads are the most realistic feeling by far.. not too springy but not unresponsive like some rubber pads. Overall, would reccomend the Hart ekits over any other manufacturer at the moment - and now they ship with the new TE3.2 trigger system as standard!
right, I'll stop rambing now, need more coffee...
Back to sampling quickly
So theoretically through MIDI I could have an ekit with 127 pads, each triggering a sample with as many as 127 velocity layers. Although realistically this would never be the case - i'm just trying to striaghten out this concept in my head, if this is true than MIDI really holds no limitations at all! Would latency issue increase beyond 3-5ms if I got alttle carried away with my samples, or would MIDI handle continuous layered samples live? if MIDI can handle it, what would be my weakest link? my CPU, my RAM, somethings got to give right?