I've got three channels of bass going and I just put a simple beat alongside on a fourth channel and the timing of the drums sounds all over the place. So I muted the bass channels to listen to the drums and suddenly they're tight. Then when I mute all but one of the bass channels the timing of the drums is still spot on. But if I unmute all of the bass channels so they're all playing the drums are shot again.
What's going on?
I'm using logic 6 on a G5 with OSX 10.3.5 with an emu e6400, motu828, and an edirol PC300 usb midi keyboard as a midi interface. Could the PC300 be the problem?
Well, it's all pretty simple programming, only one note at a time bizness. I've only just started this tune so it's pretty much bare bones at the moment, no automation or anything. Do you think that this could be because my midi interface isn't sample accurate? I can't really see how it could be the sequencer.
Cheers for the reply mate, this is bugging the shit out of me.
I wouldn't think so because the problem is occurring only on playback.
I wouldn't think its the midi interface cuz thats prolly one of the best out there.
I wouldn't think its the G5 cuz thats more than enough computing power to playback 50 times what your doing.
Are the 4 tracks of data audio or midi?
is the emu playing the drum parts?
Usually a process of eliminating unknowns will reveal the problem.
It's all coming from the emu. I've narrowed ot down to the PC300. I played the midi tracks on audio instrument channels and they were fine. Just spoke to fracture on doa and he said he had exactly the same problem with a midisport interface and his emu. When he tried a unitor 8 all his problems went away. Looks like I'll be getting one of those.
midiman have a reputation as being the worst interfaces on the market. I had my mates mates midisport 2x2 for a few months an the thing was atrocious. a cracked up drummer has a better timing