I have tried and tried and to no avail. I just can't make my emu produce the kind of pads I want. All my pads seem to go the way of a lead with a slow attack. The tail gets dropped off alot when I have alot of voices. But ultimately this is something that isn't an issue. What the issue is, I can't get my pads to flow like they do on a synth. You know how each note seems to blend together. The emu doesn't seem to do that very well. Even with portamento, it doesn't quite work the way I want.
So I wave my little white flag and I think I am going to go off and pick up absynth for my pads. It sounds pretty good... But the site doesn't show min requirements... I am getting tired of that. Absynth also has some effects that interests me for off board processing.
So the fate of my emu is now just for the bass's, leads, breaks, and the strange sounds I can come up with. I just can't get the pads I want. 6 months and I just can't do it.
Any one here come up with cool pads, the kind that make you go wow on your emu? I always get average ones, or ones that sound like they are coming from a moog.. you know the ones that are too fruity for even a rave choon.
And on a completely different note. In my attempt to use a pad in my last choon... I found that one of my choices wiped out the upper harmonics of my bass. So I had an idea to pan two copies of my "pad" to see if moving the two channels out of the way would work. I am about speed, so I always go for the quickest way to do something as possible, and that way was to take my midi channel and duplicate it. when I did this, I found that my stereo image was freaking hughe. I compared this to copying a voice in a preset and panning the two voices hard left and right. It was only about half as wide as it sounded when I did it with two midi channels.
So, yay for me, I found a way to get a wide stereo spread... Then my lower pad disappeared. Boo, now I have phase cancellation problems with lower notes. The funny thing is, they are all FIR'ed and should be pointing in the same direction. Who knows.
Oh well, the intro is fried anyway, I am going to redo it when I get absynth running... If my computer and go for it. And maybe, finally get a freaking song done.