Help for EMU-Hard Drive

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Help for EMU-Hard Drive

Postby Burchin » Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:16 pm

Hi to all
I m a new USER of an E4xt Ultra from Germany. And i like this EMU Sound very much. Now i have my first qestion. I have EOS 4.61 and have a internal 4,3GB and a external 4,6GB-hard drive and a external CD-ROM Drive. I put all in a SCSI-chain to my SCSI-Card of my PC. But XP does not found the external Hard Drive. When i look in the XP-Computer Drive tools , XP ask me to" initalisieren " in German the hard drive he found. Does this erase my Souinds on the external Hard drive ? And can my PC read the files after initalisieren ?
Thanx and excause me for my bad English
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Re: Help for EMU-Hard Drive

Postby derMole » Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:34 pm

Burchin wrote:I have EOS 4.61 and have a internal 4,3GB and a external 4,6GB-hard drive and a external CD-ROM Drive. I put all in a SCSI-chain to my SCSI-Card of my PC. But XP does not found the external Hard Drive. When i look in the XP-Computer Drive tools , XP ask me to" initalisieren " in German the hard drive he found. Does this erase my Souinds on the external Hard drive ? And can my PC read the files after initalisieren ?

You could not see your hard disk because windows can't handle EOS formatted devices. If you want to transfer samples between pc and sampler you could use a tool like wavelab or smdixfergui. You should also have a look at the chickensys translater. AFAIK you could read EOS drives with it and create cd images. And yes, with "initialisieren" you will lose all the data on that disk.

Oder auf Deutsch:
Du siehst deine Platten nicht, weil Windows kein EOS Ger?te lesen kann. Wenn du Samples zwischen Sampler und PC hin- und herschieben willst, kannste sowas wie Wavelab oder smdixfergui benutzen. Ausserdem solltest du dir mal den Chickensys Translator angucken. Soweit ich weiss kannst du damit EOS Laufwerke lesen und CD Images erstellen... und ja, mit "initialisieren" sind deine Daten auf der Platte wech...
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Postby Burchin » Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:22 am

Thanx for the infos
I tried it with my wavelab but it doesnt work, i tried with Translater but it doesent start. I tried it with SMDIXferGUI , after one transfer i get a Freeze at both sites PC and E4xt . What do i wrong ? I checked everything SCSI IDs Terminations,Adaptec-Layers, but i dont find the reason.

Habe es mit meinem wavelab versucht aber der erkennt die externe EMU Festplatte nicht von wo ich samples kopieren m?chte. Translater startet erst gar nicht. Mit SMDIXferGUI konnte ich ein gelades Sample vom EMU zum PC als wave Datei schicken, aber hatte dann einen Freeze auf beiden Seiten. Ich wei? nicht was ich Falsch mache. Habe auch schon alles kontrolliert SCSI IDs , Terminations, Adaptec Layers installiert. Aber ich hann nicht auf die externe IBM EMU Festplatte zugreifen. Mit Cdxtract konnte ich wenigstens EMU CDs einlesen, aber auch keine externe EMU-Festplatte. Keine chance. Was mach ich nur Falsch ?
Danke Gruss
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Postby mookid » Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:01 am

Would a harddisk clone utility work for this scenario?

I'm sure there are things that can clone a drive regardless of if they are readable by an OS. I used to use this sort of thing with floppies a long long time ago.

|\/| 0_o |< i |)

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Postby roonsmits » Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:38 am


Leider gehts nich so gut auf Deutch so schreib ich mein Antwort am besten in English :mrgreen:

Wavelabe transfers files to/from the pc's memory <=> sampler (both ways), but only to/from the samplers memory, not to/from any connected harddrive.

Wavelab will be able to communicate with the sampler, but make sure you use the save option on the sampler to store the samples to it's disc.

if you have your SCSI chain set up like this, sampler - harddrive - cdrom - harddrive - pc , then the devices at both ends (sampler and pc) are trying to allocate those harddrives at the same time, this could cause serious file corruption problems.

What you also can do is get yourself two SCSI zip drives connect one to th ePC and one to the sampler and swap discs between them to transfer data bewteen pc and sampler.

Hope this helps
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