Just got my first EOS 4.7 system crash - no worries ;-)

Any problems with your Ultra sampler should be reported here, hopefully someone might know what's wrong.

Moderators: ezman, stu, Ole

Just got my first EOS 4.7 system crash - no worries ;-)

Postby roonsmits » Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:55 pm


just to inform you, don't switch "sampling input" to ADAT in while there's no ADAT cable attached to it ;-)

Got some (to me impressing) error message with some codes and numbers.

Anyone else come across this bug? Just for the record, to me EOS4.7 is still a stable version. I haven't tried EOS 4.61 since I wanted FAT support so I upgraded to EOS4.7 as soon as I got it.

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Location: Amsterdam

Postby MFPhouse » Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:13 pm

Anyone else come across this bug?

no, i change often the Input ( with and without Connecting Cables), also via preset ( Realtime Input ). Everything is fine.

But there is a Bug in Multimode1 Window.....If you select there your Output and you have in One of your Presets Input Routing via Adat, or/and you change to "SampleEdit"....Everything Crash ( Wordclock etc)....check your whole Routing.
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