Have you had any luck with restoring the ROM?
I seem to have done the same thing. To my Orbit/Phatt Not quite sure though, i wouldn't have thought it possible to actually overwrite a ROM unless it was FLASH, in which case the chip would be identical physically to the user definable Sound Flash, right? So i was surprised to find that it seems i had erased what i thought was a permanently written chip. When i got under the hood sure enough the SIMM in ROM 0 slot says its a 32 MB Sound Flash (stamped on the board), the IC's are Intel manufactured flash ram and theres a sticker with the cryptic text inscribed:
WO# P3443
(and someones' tagged it with their intials)
OK so after i apparently erased the chip it is no longer recognized in the disk browser, it is mentioned in the listing on boot as "Sound Flash installed" though. When i've tried to Author it i get an error "ROM must be in slot 0!" (which it is).
I tried the Flashprep disk (not really sure if this is the appropriate application for that or not)
I'm running EOS 4.7 with no major problems.
currently on ebay there's a guy selling what seems to be a 32 MB Flash ROM;
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... eName=WDVW
But it appears that here too there's confusion about the inner identity of the chip. Check out the question posted to the seller:
" Q: hi is this the 32 mb chip the only way to actually tell is to put it in an ultra sampler, e-mu uses the same 32mb stamp for both the 16 and the 32 the...more answered on: Feb-14-05 "
" A: I would have to find out about that - May be you are right? - It does not make any sense for them to do that though :( So much confusion I will Post it...more"
Also the seller has fortuitously posted an excellent picture of the identification info on the sticker:
(notice the tag)
(only difference 'tween this and the one in my machine is the first line WO#, anyone know the meaning of these codes?)
So there it is! Anyone having any insight on this SIMM identity crisis
please post any relevant information you might have.