sounddiver EOS

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sounddiver EOS

Postby plum » Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:06 am

hello emulators,

Is there any of you with a working copy of sounddiver eos for mac.

The floppy that came with my E-synth didn't work and i focused on working the hardwareway,but now i have to process lots of material
and although i use templates live could be easier.


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Postby MFPhouse » Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:52 am

There is a "Free" SoundDiver Beta out for Mac!

I work with SD under OS9 , but i use it only for "Presets" Naming etc.
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editor EOS

Postby plum » Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:28 pm

thanks for your reply,

I attempted to download sounddiver but after two hours i got an error ( i should defenitly consider broadband :pimp:
when i bought my e4 there was a flop with sopundiver EOS on it which turned out to be defective. I only need it for the emulator and prefer a macos classic app because i can run it smoothly on my pb g3 with scsi standard.
Also i consider purchasing a pc solely for running zoeOS which altogether
challenges my dedication to the emulator platform because it involves more bulky hardware but then again every sample i process into the e4
sounds full of character

I've been using an E-synth keys for some years now and recently bought two 4xts and now i want to attempt to scratch the limits of the Eos

Can you report on your experiences i'm specificly interested in the ability to copy cord parameters between patches

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Re: editor EOS

Postby MFPhouse » Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:18 pm

plum wrote:.....

Can you report on your experiences i'm specificly interested in the ability to copy cord parameters between patches


Yes /No..i think the fastes way , to do edits like that , is to work with Templates. Remember you have hundreds of "Presets" to save. And there are also an "Export" Option for saving Preset as a Bank...

The Sounddiver still works but....i feel not good with deeper Editings like that.
I need him only for "Update" the wohle Preset/Bank Names to "Logic Audio?s Multiinstrument" . Very fast , very useful. But that all.

I still wail for "zoeOS" , but i think i have to buy a PC sometime.
So i still work on "to build up" my whole EOS Phereferie Editing Station , but it seems to be not on my own lovely Macintosh OS9.

No i work only with my two PC Keyboards , and that all..and still wait and wait and wait....

I have also a Old G3 Scsi Powerbook , all the Hardware is there , but it still didn?t work together . Or i can?t bring up it work together. Don?t know.

The Sound of Emu is amazing . The most Software i tryed out but the Emu sounds full of character . I have also the old Alchemy ( HiEnd Scsi Dumb!!!), and there are also the fantasic Infinity but they works only with Floppy drive see Problems over Problem to get this all working together.

What are your experiences?
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Re: editor EOS

Postby plum » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:04 am


I think i stick to the frontpanel and the asci board its labour but it works.
Spotted today a bargain ascsi server with 3 9.1 and3 18.2 disk but i'm afraid to dive into windowsworld and find find myself re?nventing rhe wheel for the next months wading trough tons of reamefiles instead of making music. Ther is a stage where using vintage equipment(a.k.a. the obsolete)
becomes like driving an old car. My biggest trauma for that matter was the atari falcon i invested too much of my funds to support it, only to find myself left in the cold. That was the moment i decided to stick to hardware
it has its limitaions but you work you way around it.
For now i work with the emulators and Reason for on the road(which up to now never crashed and is grat fun to play with)

Hope i didn't get to much off topic

best wishes
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Re: editor EOS

Postby plum » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:04 am

don;tknow why , but the massage was posted twice. Try to remove it
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