Seems like it works quite well with an Emu.
This is the page translated into English with so some of the English is a bit off!:biglaugh:
By diode 30/12/2003 to 02:01. Practical music like a leisure.
Total Opinion (0/10)
- Since how long use it?
- Which is the characteristic which you like more, less?
- had tested many of other models before acquiring it?
- How consider you to it qualit?/prix report/ratio?
- With would the experiment, remake this choice?...
Ok hello, just a small word while passing: this adapter is not compatible with the TWE of Yamaha which requires drivers ded chart SCSI to standard ASPI, just like the Adaptec chart out of PC card. Indeed, only the charts intern Adaptec which plug in NCV respect this standard. For information, TWE is the Yamaha software which is used to make import/export with the samplers of series A and the RS7000.
By Sapping Lipopette 23/12/2003 to 16:15. Practical music like a leisure.
Total Opinion (10/10)
- Since how long use it?
- Which is the characteristic which you like more, less?
- had tested many of other models before acquiring it?
- How consider you to it qualit?/prix report/ratio?
- With would the experiment, remake this choice?...
Used since 1 years to communicate on chains scsi with:
- a samplor ultra E5000
- an external reader CD
- a reader Jaz Iomega 1Go
- Not need for instaler of chart NCV... when a portable PC is used it is quite practical... one connects, one disconnects... wouaou data processing for the null ones
- the instalation with Windaube is perfect, of the good plug' N play...
- This chart uses the USB1 but currently I believe that it became USB2...
For 75euros, I find report/ratio Q/P rather tr?s good...
Worse 10/10 because still never known of prob...