Newbie with a dead E4

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Newbie with a dead E4

Postby EmufromAus » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:36 am

New user here from Aus. Just got my hands on an E-synth, E4XT rack and a standard E4 rack. Had 2 hard drives go on me already, so Ive gone and bought all the second hand units in my area!

Problem I have is the E4 rack has blown a power supply. My local Tech has replaced several compunents but is stuck on the SCR Thyristor. I know a very small amount of electronics, but am not sure how to replace this component. He has asked me if I can get a copy of the schematics and he could sort it from there.

Is there any one here who can offer me some advice down here in isolated Australia!?

When I got the rack unit it was failing checksum on boot. I upgraded the operating system, and it ran well for 1 or 2 days. All leds and display were quite dull, but I didnt think too much of it. It just went dead, but still had some audio for about 20secs, then nothing. Hard drive is dead from that point also, just hoping a spike hasnt done major motherboard type damage. The tech has stoped the fuse from blowing, it just wont power up, and the only thing left is the thyristor.

thanks for listening to my tale of woe and look forward to hearing back from someone, especially if the schematics are available

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:24 am
Location: Gold Coast Australia

Postby Ole » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:18 pm

If you can't get any of them to work I'll be happy to buy some pieces of them. (Like ram for example)
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Joined: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:20 pm

Postby Adam-V » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:02 pm

Hi EmufromAus, I'm new here as well and am located in Melbourne. I just had a similar thing happen on my e6400. It stopped responding to midi although it was able to load banks from a Zip drive and the display and buttons were working fine. After after a few power down and power ups, only the LCD backlight came on with some lines flickering across the screen. I am told that Logitronics down here in Melbourne have experience with E-mu repairs but haven't had time to investigate them yet. Your best bet might be to contact E-mu to see if they will sell you a service manual.

I wish you good luck. Actually, I wish us both good luck as it would be a shame to see these majestic beasts relegated to the scrap heap. I've had mine for 10 years and the place isn't the same without it.

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Postby EmufromAus » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:03 pm

HI Adam,
Thanks for the link. I actually spoke to Dave today, who was fairly helpfull, a start at least!. Would be so much easier if I was in Melbourne!. Not ready to give up yet.

Good luck with your quest also!

Ole..i'll keep you posted if I have no luck

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:24 am
Location: Gold Coast Australia

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