Chicken System and Emu 6400 ultra

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Chicken System and Emu 6400 ultra

Postby johan327 » Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:54 am

I currently have many samplers , the giga, batttery, the emulator software thingy and just got a used emu. The reason why i got the emu is for my rhythm samples. Well to make a long story short. I made many multi banks in my gigasampler and i wanted to be able to convert them so i could use them in the emu. I tried chicken system translator and after i converted some files so i could test load them into my emu, they would not read. They read my other akai samples but wont read any of my burnt cds. Am i doing something wrong? Or should i just forget about the converting?
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Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:48 am

i someone who had the same problem.

Postby johan327 » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:43 am

There was someone with the same problem and he wrote something like this. But it didnt work for me. I copied his instructions here.

I see that you have found a solution to your Emu-cd burning problem. For others who might have the same problem here is my recipe:

1) Start translator and create the usual virtual Emu drive in translator.
2) Drag your EOS banks to the virtual drive (make sure that it doesn't exceed 650 mb).
3) Start Nero burning and skip the Wizard if it comes up. You should have the file browser in on the right side and nothing on your left side. If you have a file browser on your left side, close it.
4) In Nero choose the file menu and choose Burn image.
5) When looking for the Emu.nrg image choose to see all files and choose your emu.nrg file.
6) When Nero ask for the type of image just choose the default (Data mode 1).
7) Do not check the raw data block.
8) Choose 2048 block size. Leave the Image header and trailer to zero (default) and choose OK.
9) When the burn window appears, choose finalize cd.

You should also know that mixing EOS banks with ESI banks will corrupt the folder were the ESI banks appear. Stay with EOS banks only. Translator cannot convert from ESI to EOS just yet.

I tried this but it didnt work for me. I must be a big dummy. If any of you guys can help me i would appreciate it. THanks
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:48 am

Postby illinformed » Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:39 am

I must have been very lucky when using the free version of translator.

I directly rename the virtual img file to nrg. I then double click the nrg file and it opens nero up and starts the ball rolling. I have never changed any of the nero settings but all the disks seem to work so far.
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