Need Esynth ROM installation floppy...

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Need Esynth ROM installation floppy...

Postby valcoun » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:19 am

Emu doesn't keep this stuff around anymore and I didnt see any other posts that addressed this particular problem.

I found out you cant just swap out a Esynth ROM block between two Ultra samplers without the Ultra Production Set Disk - I lost all the presets (stored in flash?) when I did so. :cry:

If anyone has a spare floppy to sell or knows how to make a copy of theirs PM me or post here in this thread. Emu's propritary disk format prevents you from copying on a PC - but there must be some way to do it I would think. Thanks in advance to all who can help out.

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Postby VDS » Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:05 pm

Hello V!

On the CDrom, called E4 ULTRA PRODUCTION SET BACKUP DATA, you have a folder (ROM Presets), where you can find 3 different banks of E-Synth ROM presets.

I think, this CDrom comes with every Ultra sampler.

Hope, this is helpfull!

Grettings from Germany

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Postby valcoun » Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:38 pm


I dont know if that CD ROM and those presets would re-activate the Esynth ROM though. I dont have that CD-ROM, I didnt buy the Ultra new and get all those goodies if I had I would have the floppy disk.

E-mu has a pdf file for Esynth ROM installation still on their website and it involves installing the hardware AND a floppy disc that comes in the ROM kit that sets up the Presets in the ROM - without it the ROM has about 100 rather bland sounds, useable of course and they can be edited -- but I wanted to get the original presets back.

I bought the Ultra sampler used and was not aware that moving the ROM to another Ultra would in effect "kill" it as far as the presets go. *Sigh*

If anyone has this installation disk I will reimburse any labor to clone it or pay for it if anyone wants to sell one... I'll post a want ad in a few days if this post gets buried. Even E-mu doesnt have any of these disks left around so its tough to find when you need it.

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ROM presets.

Postby Modulus » Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:10 pm

Hi guys.

I think the original CD will get the presets back. I'm looking at this myself right now as it happens - I'm x-fering the samples from an XL Rom, and matching it up with the Esynth bank, which will give me those sounds ( ie the Audity 2k set )

I'll let you know how it pans out.

*added as an edit*

OK, first, valcoun, whereabouts are you? I have a CD, and I reckon I can copy it, too...

second, LOLZ, it aint that easy.... with an XL rom sat in my Ultra, I can load the same samples as the E synth ( the audity 2k set, correct me if I'm wrong ? ) and I can load the presets from the CD.

The presets refer to the same samples as I have in RAM, in the correct order, but have an X by them in preset edit. I can scroll to the sample, but it takes 1,000 clicks. Not feasible for the whole bank, I'm thinking...

next step is to try and load individual presets and samples.... I'll edit back later.... :spliff:
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Postby valcoun » Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:01 pm

valcoun, whereabouts are you? I have a CD, and I reckon I can copy it, too...

In the U.S. - we dont have a big chat forum like this one at least I didnt find one easily. If you can pull this off I will certainly pay you for your trouble/postage.

What you describe sounds like pulling teeth, are you sure you want to go through all that?! If only E-mu would have kept a few floppies around...there just is no such thing a Legacy support anymore -- Sony kept parts around for their Umatic video gear for 10 years. Now a product is lucky to have 2 years of support after it comes out. Sucks.

Well keep me posted if you find a solution. And Thanks!
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ROMS etc - very cool outcome... long long post

Postby Modulus » Sun Apr 09, 2006 11:27 pm


OK. I've had a fun day with my e5 Ultra (32Mb/SCSI), a sickly p2k ( dial really screwy) plus a load a ROMS, ZIPS and CR's.

I learned a few things, first, that earlier I was talking cr&p. oops :shock:

Second: Any p2k ROM will work, in terms of loading the samples into RAM, and saving the bank. You'll get "generic" presets - sample mapped with multisamples where appropriate but nothing else.

If you have a a preset that is designed for E-Synth, the preset voice sample will be listed as...
"x001 - yak fart c1" or
"y001 yak fart c1"

(x and y refer to the ROM slots. "s" is used for internal sample RAM)

...and if the ROM is in the correct slot, that preset will run just fine.

So, which slot to use? In my machine, Slot 0 holds the composer ROM from my p2k. and slot 1 holds my XL1 ROM. This took some guesswork - it may not be the same for other machines, maybe...

Now, this is interesting - it appears that the E-synth board and the Composer board are the same, at least the first 16Mb. I found the original E- synth presets on my CD, loaded and flashed em.

They refer to the slot where the composer is, and the presets sound fine. I don't know the patches well enough to comment if they're all 100%, but there are certainly hundreds of useable sounds that do what their names suggest they will. These are full patches with multisampled kits, complex filtering etc etc.

Next up, My XL board. Loaded and flashed the larger preset bank off the CD, which says its for E-synth + the Orbit/Phatt... in one of the installation PDF's it mentions that the boards must be in the correct slots for the presets to work.... proves the point about the X and y sample references...

This works, but less well. The XL1 board contains the whole Audity 2k set on its first half ( 16Mb) In fact, this is how it shows up on the EOS browser. And the Orbit/Phatt, far as I know ( anyone know for sure?) ALSO includes the Audity set. So, there is some degree of compatibility. Many patches sound 100% OK, some need some transposition ( octaves) in the voices, and some are clearly wrong ( mainly higher in the list, which makes sense)

I never liked the P2K OS, and its diddy screen, and with a dead dial, its basically useless to me. I've gutted its ROMS, chucked em into the E5, which has been underused lately, and messed about with flashing patches. I now have a fully functioning E-synth, with much of the Audity/XL stuff ready to go as well - all off a big screen with a peachy OS and dial.... and none of the sample RAM used - result

So, to recap.... to get back e synth patches, just flash the bank from the original CD - no floppy needed.

Valcoun, PM your addy if you like - I'm looking at copying the disk - you got a CD drive hooked up...? I'll accept an EOS 4.61 floppy in exchange.... cos I'm having trouble getting one together....
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Postby valcoun » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:18 am

I'll accept an EOS 4.61 floppy in exchange....

Gladly Modulus, if you can guide me in how to make one... can that OS be downloaded from E-mu site?

Anyway, sounds like you figured out the answer of restoring the Esynth ROM without having a floppy, thats good work. My ROM block is in ROM Slot 1 that is where the install instructions say to put it and you are correct there are "presets" on the ROM but not with the filters and stuff it is like you said generic sounds.

So What I need to do is get the presets in Flash... OK let me PM you - I dont know anything about doing that, but I learn quick when you give me the details.
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Postby valcoun » Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:48 am

VDS wrote:Hello V!

On the CDrom, called E4 ULTRA PRODUCTION SET BACKUP DATA, you have a folder (ROM Presets), where you can find 3 different banks of E-Synth ROM presets. I think, this CDrom comes with every Ultra sampler.

Well... I bought used so I was lucky to get power cable with the gear.
Actually, I got quite a few extras, but you know stuff like floppy disks always slip into another dimension
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Emu CD

Postby Modulus » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:02 am

Yeah, thats the disc you need. I have it, and possibly others closer to you.... It wont copy on a mac, Im gonna try it on a PC when I get a chance. assuming I can make a copy, I'll send it to you. You just hook up a CD Rom, find the bank ( its in a folder called ROM presets, then the banks called Esynth) load it then go to: Master/Bank/Flash/RAM>Flash.... its done. As I said, 500 patches, sound fine running off the samples from my Proteus Composer ROM ( haxor or what?) :slayer:

Far as 4.61 - If I can find a PC at work, or a MAC with a floppy, I can get it myself, but I dont have floppy drives myself... and I need to do that flash prep etc etc... always makes me nervous...

You can copy your OS to disc from the bird, under disc utils - I was thinkin we swap a floppy for a CD by post, but I'd need the flash prep etc too... may be simpler to just do it my end, in which case, I can still send you the E synth patches - you could send me some samples, or just beam out some positive vibes

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Postby Lurkr » Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:50 am

How did you try to copy them on a mac? You should be able to use Toast to copy them, I can do it in 7 and I'm pretty sure I did it with 5 before. You will have to tell your computer to ignore the fact that it can't read the disc. The easiest way to copy them on a PC is with Nero. For that matter, you MAY be able to use Toast or Nero to create an ISO and just exchange the disc that way... just burn a cd from the ISO on the other end.
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re toast.

Postby Modulus » Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:59 am

cheers, I'll try that.

In any case, I can just save to floppy... its just the presets...
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Postby traxzone » Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:53 am

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Postby valcoun » Mon Apr 17, 2006 2:45 pm

Never mind good folks -- this dummy (me) had the goods on the original HDD that came with the Ultra - the other owner backed them up on there.

So everything's "jake" 8-)

Thanks very much to ALL who took the time to help, VDS, Modulus, and anyone else I missed! You are all the greatest! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
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