For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Postby traxzone » Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:32 am

AS you all know only very few ultra 320 scsi drives work with e4 samplers(more with ultra models),but you can use them in conjuction with a computer and scsi card setup on platforms from win98 to format your drive,just install it and hook up your e4 to the computer with an appropriate scsi cable,and away you go.i have done this successfully with an ultra320 15k 80 pin drive,and it`s very fast.we have also successfully used dvd ram drives/ram cartridges(2.6 & 5.2gb DOUBLE SIDED) with e4`s ,eliminating the need for a cd rom drive and jazz/zip backup as well.these devices can be chained together as long as you scsi id and termination are correct.hope this is useful for someone! adios. traxzone. :thumbs:
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Postby illinformed » Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:00 am

Hey, nice work traxzone.

Can you post a little more detailed info for me. I know that theoretically most computers and scsi cards should work from win98 to xp however there are a lot of posts of this forum where people have had difficutlies. If possible can you post up -

1) What operating systems you are using (on Emu and PC, any service packs etc)
2) The make and model number of scsi card and what version of scsi card drivers?
3) The make and model of Scsi drive.
4) What make and model number of DVD Ram drive.
5) The make of DVD Ram cartridges (just in case).

to format your drive,just install it and hook up your e4 to the computer with an appropriate scsi cable,and away you go

Does that mean you have to have the e4 connected to a computer to format it??

Sorry to ask so many questions, it's just that if you've got a system that works then the safest thing would be to try and get an identical setup to yours. I have seen DVD Ram drives working with an emu however I never wrote down the specs at the time :roll:

Many thanks in advance, Andrew.
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Postby traxzone » Fri Mar 31, 2006 11:19 am

Our equipment list for those interested is as follows:p4 ibm compatable pc with adaptec 2940uw ultra scsi card v2 or better(works with win 98-xp;service packs don`t matter);scsi drive/s-quantum atlas 4 15k ultra320,or seagate cheetah ultra160 15k;dvd ram drive/s-we`ve tested panasonic and hitachi models both 1st and 2nd generation(2nd gen reads and writes 2.6 and 5.2gb double sided cartridges,1st gen only reads 2.6gb);discs-must be double sided cartridge types 1-4 for data only (or sometimes data and video but definitely not video only).try a setup like this with eos link - it`s awesome ! bye now, traxzone. :thumbs:
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Postby efunc » Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:13 pm

hi mate, great call! I've been thinking along the lines of an external SCSI DVD-RAM or DVD-R to backup my E4XT because MO drives are getting tricky to find in bigger capacities.

My question is, did you find any drives that did not work? Or did you get lucky and both of the DVD-RAM drives you tried worked right away? I may try my chances online, but obviously there's no way to check if something's compatible beforehand.

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more on ultra320 &dvd ram

Postby traxzone » Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:35 am

i found that panasonic(matshita) dvd ram units work extremely well,and hitachi;these are reasonably priced on ebay,but don`t come up too often.haven`t tested any others yet,but i`m sure that toshiba and pioneer would also do the job,but they are more expensive in the 2nd & 3rd generation lines.i`v also found 2 ways to put an ultra 320 scsi drive inside an e4-more on that later. traxzone. :thumbs:
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Postby drayon » Wed May 10, 2006 5:45 pm

There's a post over at the EMU production forums...

more info here

wikid idea

BTW just because u have the hottest SCSI 320 ;-) it wont run at that speed when its hooked up to the EMU, it will default to 20 meg/sec SCSI-2 muahhaaha
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Postby drayon » Wed May 10, 2006 5:50 pm

oh yeah if one cannot find a SCSI DVD-RAM perhaps an Acard IDE->SCSI with an ATAPI DVD-RAM LG or similar mega cheep frankenstein solution may be workable ... I%20Device)&type1_title=SCSIDE%20Bridge&type1_idno=2
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Postby DanS » Fri May 12, 2006 10:32 pm

Anyone ever check this place out?

In case anyone's wondering, no I don't work for them, but I came across the site while searching for storage for my S760.
I recently picked up an E4XT, which brought me here. Glad to see the Emu's are a tad more supported than Roland. :thumbs:
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more on ultra320 scsi /dvd ram

Postby traxzone » Sun May 14, 2006 9:07 am

For those readers who like to experiment with the dvd ram option,the frankenstein solution for scsi to ide bridge may be workable,but would eventually cost as much as buying a dvd ram drive in the end;by the time you get the converter,the ide drive,and the cabling and then a case to hook it all up..........and even then the e4 non-ultra series may not recognise this setup.....2)The best things about using ultra320 scsi hard drives are that the access and seek times are quicker,spin up/down times are less,even though there may only be a marginal increase in data loading performance.also, the low profile drives are lighter and easy to install.if your ultra 320 drive won`t work with your sampler,try putting it inside a computer and connect it and the sampler to an ultra type scsi card.i can almost guarantee this setup will work.for the more adventurous user,try putting a scsi card inside the sampler with your hard drive connected to it,then connect the other end of the scsi cable to your 2nd scsi port option (if you have one) ! have fun folks; traxzone. 8-)
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