EOS 4.0 HD use on EOS 3.0 sampler?

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EOS 4.0 HD use on EOS 3.0 sampler?

Postby nomad » Tue May 02, 2006 2:10 pm

Hello, I had an esynth a long time ago that I upgraded to 4.62. I then acquired a few Emu CDROMs (the emu EIIIx series), and put them on the esynth's HD. Before I sold it, I backed up my hard drive onto an external drive, thinking that if I ever got an emu again, it would come in useful (since I gave away the CDs with the sampler).

Well, I recently got an E4XT. It came with EOS 3.0, and only has 1 meg of CPU flash so I can't upgrade. The E4 can read my old hard drive, but can't read any of the presets.

Is there a reason for this? The E4 can see all the folders, see the banks, if I check info it will tell me it is 247k or whatever (some of those old emu sets were small!) but if I try to load the bank, it responds 'No presets found!'.

I still have a few CDs I can try, but I thought this would just work. I don't really want to have to get rid of this and get a different one just to get my HD working, but I suppose it's possible.

Posts: 10
Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 1:59 pm


Postby nomad » Thu May 04, 2006 5:40 am

Figured it out.... just in case anyone was wondering. Discovered I have an 18G disk and not a 9G disk, and of course EOS 3.0 doesn't support disks that big. I didn't know it would read it at all; guess it does a little. It thinks the size of the drive is -18G though, which is curious since it has -9G used :)

Guess I'll have to find someone near here, get a 9G drive and do some backing up...
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 1:59 pm

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