Is my RFX on crack?

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Is my RFX on crack?

Postby Hallifax » Sat May 06, 2006 6:27 am

I've been reading about the RFX bugs in EOS 4.7. Not only does my RFX pan randomly at times, but it seems like the it even skips to different effect prestes for a second here or there. It's basically useless in 4.7... Does anyone know if there are any efforts being made to fix these bugs or is it abandoned at this point like all of EMUs hardware support? Does E-MU have anyone still addressing hardware bugs at all? Man as much as I love my E-6400 I hate E-MU for leaving their longterm customers in the dust, they were built on their hardware users and wouldn't be &%@# without them.
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Postby wigworld » Sat May 06, 2006 9:12 am

It's abandoned by Emu, but still pretty functional under 4.61. I understand the random panning occurs only if you mix stereo and mono channels in your mixer (not sure about the details, but it's out there somewhere), so it is workable.
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Postby illinformed » Sat May 06, 2006 10:55 am

I've been using the RFX and EOS 4.7 pretty extensively over the last couple of months or so. It's still an absolute bitch and now I need stereo synths more than ever. I think I'm going to have to go back to 4.6 however I'm really making the most of the compression effect at the mo.

Anyway my observations have been this.

The RFX is extremely sluggish when editing effects in the Bus Screen. If you try and apply midi modulation tweaks in that screen then it's a joke, you can hear the RFX choke. Remedy, get out of the Bus Screen when applying RFX modulations.

When flipping from the Bus screen back to Multimode, the effects kind of reset themselves and have to load in again, I think this may be what's happening with you Halifax. It's so frustrating having to wait for the delay to catch up with itself. I have my RFX setups change when a Multisetups changes. This adds more problems if something is using a delay - lots of pops and clicks. The answer is to stopping using any sounds that are going to the delay before you change setup.

Internal clipping seems to occurs at low volumes within effects, especially with the Compressor plugin.

The Compressor (obviously) exaggerates the random panning effect. This also applies if you are using Left and Right and mono channels as it results in pops and clicks where the sample has the beginning randomly cut off.

Dont get me wrong, I still love the RFX and it is turning into an invaluable tool especially for live use. It's just that you have to do an awful lot of groundwork to make a bank useable (free from panning problems or pops and clicks). Come on Emu, just go back to 4.6 (panning free), add FAT32 and the Compressor Plugin - you can drop everything else. Is it me, but does the LowPass filter sound much better in 4.6 too?

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Postby MFPhouse » Sat May 06, 2006 11:07 am

The most important at 4.7 is to be modulated the possibility resonats .( and perhaps Fat32)

If you don?t need this , go back to 4.6
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Postby illinformed » Sat May 06, 2006 11:51 am

Ah, yeah, realtime resonance, forgot about that one, OK then, the list gets a bit longer now.

Realtime Resonance please but with the old filter sound :grin:
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Postby Hallifax » Sat May 06, 2006 5:28 pm

Yeah... Basically all the wackiness that illinformed was mentioning is what I've been experiencing. Not to cry over spilled milk but the main reason I bought the RFX and went 4.7 was to have the compression plug in. The FAT thing is no biggie for me, The compressor is a huge thing though. They should address this ....
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