WIPE OUT!!! Need Help!!!

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WIPE OUT!!! Need Help!!!

Postby crytek » Sat May 27, 2006 4:40 pm

I'm using the emu E4XT Ultra. The EOS is (or should I say was) 4.01. I wanted to upgrade my EOS software to 4.61. Well, Looking @ the instructions on a previous thread, I downloaded both the FlashPrep file, and the EOS 4.61.exe file. Following the instruction I creaded a floppy disk for each. Well everything is good. I turn off my emu, load the flashprep disk in and turn it back on. There is a blank screen, and I can see that there is some disk activity going. After about 10 minutes, there isn't any disk activity, so I wait an additional 3 just to be sure. I take out the flashprep disk, and I insert the other floopy containing EOS4.61. Well I put in the disk, and nothing happens. I wait for about 5 minutes (aso pressing to enter key repeatedly just to try and get things started) and there is nothing happening. So I wait, take out the floppy, and create another one. Did that with two floppies, and nothing happens. Just a blank screen, and there is no disk activity. Well I restart the machine, and what do you know. Nothing seems to come up. The only thing that happens is that the lcd screen is blank, and there the front panel lights are lit. The scsi light is lit also. And it just hangs there. I'm guessing that it normally check the bios, and then check the floppy rom drive, but as I can see (and dealing with computers for a while) it seems that the harddrive is whiped clean and the sampler won't boot up. Just the freaking leds on the front panel that comes up.

This really sucks. All the sounds being whiped, I can deal with that, but having a machine that didn't come with anything but the sampler itself, and some rack mounts is fucked up. Anyone have any ideas on how I could go about loading up the eos again? I was thinking I could get a scsi cd rom ( of course I would have to hunt down some sort of repair kit (if one exists) and try to load up everything form the cd. But if the thing won't bood up... now this is a major problem.

Help Please !!!!! :cry:
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Location: YOKOSUKA-Japan

Postby altus » Sun May 28, 2006 2:37 pm

The problem is that the floppies you're using to create the flash-prep and EOS upgrade disks must be formatted in the Emu first, then you copy the files you downloaded onto them using your PC.

When I tried to upgrade an E-mu with a PC-formatted floppy exactly what you described happened. I formatted the floppy in the E-mu (had two of them at the time), copied the files, tried it all again and it worked. The E-mu is supposed to prompt you to insert the EOS disk after flashprep is complete. Try that.

PS. Your hard drive didn't get wiped, that's not what the OS upgrade does. the OS is stored in FlashROM, not on the hard drive.
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Postby crytek » Sun May 28, 2006 5:36 pm

altus wrote:The problem is that the floppies you're using to create the flash-prep and EOS upgrade disks must be formatted in the Emu first, then you copy the files you downloaded onto them using your PC.

When I tried to upgrade an E-mu with a PC-formatted floppy exactly what you described happened. I formatted the floppy in the E-mu (had two of them at the time), copied the files, tried it all again and it worked. The E-mu is supposed to prompt you to insert the EOS disk after flashprep is complete. Try that.

PS. Your hard drive didn't get wiped, that's not what the OS upgrade does. the OS is stored in FlashROM, not on the hard drive.

Well how can I get my macnine to come up? When I turn it on, the only thing that lights up is The buttons on the front panel. The screen isn't illuminated, and it dosen't start to boot up. I can hear the hard drive spinning, but it seems like it's just hung trying to come up.

Also, when i turn it on... there is a flash of text that i see on the screen, but it flashes for a second then it goes away. I can't read it. I'll provide a pic later.

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Location: YOKOSUKA-Japan

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