What is the purpose of sample groups?

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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What is the purpose of sample groups?

Postby fanu » Sun Jul 20, 2003 12:40 pm

I mean the group u assign to every sample when you place them to presets.

What is the function of the group? Can I do some group-only editing or something like that?

Cheerios :pimp:
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Location: Helsinki, Finland

Postby sampleandhold » Sun Jul 20, 2003 5:56 pm

lets say you have a break chopped up. you have copies of everything. so basically you have the break twice in your sampler. one set for high pass filtering, another set for lowpass filtering. lets say you have 12 samples from that break. it would take a long time to go through and tweak each samples matrix mod, one at a time.

so what you would do is assign the first set of break samples to group 1, then go down and set the second set to group two. then what you would do is highlight one of the g1 in the first set, and create your matrix mod with the lowpass, then go down and high light g2 and create that matrix mod with a highpass.

so now what will happen is when you play the first break you will be able to lowpass, then you could use the new placement for the second break and with that one, you can go high pass.

when tweaking in a group, you make the matrix mode affect each sample the same that is in that group. all other samples that are not in the the group you are tweaking will not be affected. and you can still tweak samples individually by using the voice edit command...
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