RFX32 questions

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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RFX32 questions

Postby kvinge » Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:33 pm

Due to lack of time, I don't spend much time working om my Emu Ultra 6400 w/ RFX32 / RFX adat / RFX 4 analoge exp. / 20 GB HD / Zuonics /

OS 4.61

But, the other day I did some research on it which makes me wonder:

Where can i find the RFX reverb presets? According to reviews I have read there should be a lot of presets available. I have no folders with the presets. Should I looke elsewhere?

Also: Is it possible to install the Grungelizer / Chorus Lite / Muxter / Quad muxter under EOS 4.61?

And: could somebody please post the original RFX Effect plugin files?

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Location: Bergen, Norway

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