EMU E64 sequencer's problem

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EMU E64 sequencer's problem

Postby m-d » Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:08 pm

I have a problem with my sequencer in my e64. I read in a manual tat in sequencer may be imported standart midi file include multi tracks.
Sequencer show me "Sequence Memory Full" message when i tried load midi file throught merge function, but RAM Sequence used = 0% I have no problems when i import 1 track midi file, but when i try to import another files after load this "Sequence Memory Full" message displayed again. I tryed to load a small files about 10 notes. In this case memory not been full. My e64 have 1k RAM sequence and 3.00B operation system.
The second problem was appear when i try to record a sequence. Sequencer recorded some seconds and stop. As i know sequencer don't have sequencer limit time and sequence time memory don't make finish so fast.
Did i lose something? I don't know.
Can you help me?
I will be happy any information about this question.
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